China Rape of NanjingChelsea Hamilton Communist RevolutionBrady Jencik China as a communist nationCaroline Niederst
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Timeline Rape of Nanjing – Communist Revolution – 1950s-1970s China as a communist nation – October 1 st, 1949-Present
Rape Of Nanjing In December of 1937, the Japanese Imperial Army marched into China's capital city of Nanking Lasted for 6 weeks Motivated by a desire for aggression, expansion and militarism Proceeded to murder 300,000 out of 600,000 civilians and soldiers in the city. Abandoned Victims
Important People General Matsui Iwane Commanded Japan’s Central China Front Army when they entered the city Tani Hisao Matsui’s lieutenant who was tried and convicted for war crimes Chiang Kai-Shek Nationalist leader who ordered the removal of Chinese troops from Shanghai
The Communist Revolution China’s First Five Year Plan Plan to rapidly industrialize Used the Soviets as a model Nationalized the banking system Opened factories, increased income, collectivized farms Resulted in a boost in heavy industry and advancements in agriculture Pro-industrialization propaganda
The Communist Revolution Cont China’s Second Five Year Plan “The Great Leap Forward” Mao Zedong’s plan to completely industrialize in 5 years Communes Increase in farming using Soviet Model Backyard furnaces Resulted in massive environmental damage Backyard furnaces caused wild fires Crops failures due to poor harvesting Deaths of million people “The Three Bitter Years” Propaganda supporting Mao
The Communist Revolution Cont The Cultural Revolution Uprising led by Mao Zedong to assert his idea of a Communist China Students formed Red Guards to rid China of old ways August- 11 million gathered in Beijing to push Mao’s ideas Attacked any intellectuals or artistic people to “purify” Mao said revolution was too violent Students were sent to countryside to live and work Resulted in economic decline Industrial output declined Regulations done away with to simplify Incomes declines
Communist Revolution Cont. The Cultural Revolution Students reading their little red books Older students gathered for Mao Propaganda supporting soldiers and the little red book
Important People Mao Zedong Chinese Communist revolutionary that led the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution Deng Xiaoping Leader that took over after Mao and adopted policies that rejected many of Mao’s ideas Opened China’s economy and allowed some aspects of market economy
One Child Policy From the 1940’s-1970s the population in China increased to about 60 million more people The population boom caused problems with hunger and poverty Before the policy, having many children was popular because a large population showed strength in a country 76% of humans supported the policy in the beginning but as time went on, people became angered with the policy In November, 2014, the One Child Policy was lifted
China’s Prisons In 2006, China signed an agreement of not torturing their prisoners, along with many other countries- they defied the agreement The guards in prisons say that torture instills fear into the minds of their prisoners Prisoners are raped, beaten, burned, and tortured daily The torture is mainly focused on prisoners convicted of being a civil advocate, a unionist, or democratic activist The unfair treatment of prisoners is ignored
Important People Sun Yat-sen Chinese revolutionary “Father of Modern China” Leader of the Kuomintang First provisional president of The Republic of China Died from liver cancer on March 12, 1925 Sun Yat-sen
WAOI During the Rape of Nanjing, its estimated that 20,000 women were raped by Japanese soldiers Mao refused to brush his teeth, choosing to rinse with tea and chew the leaves instead Facebook, Twitter, and the New York Times have been blocked in China since 2009 Mao Zedong