F- 3 to 5 times per week I- 60 to 85% of your MAX HR T- 30 to 60 min. The higher the intensity the lower the time you will have to workout. T- any aerobic activity. Examples??? What’s the best type to do?? INTERVAL
F- 2 to 3 times per week depending on your routine (all body parts=3 days a week, split body parts=2 days a week) I- 6-8 reps for strength reps for endurance/toning ***MUST LIFT AS MUCH WEIGHT AS YOU CAN T- As fast as possible, there should only be about a minutes rest between sets T- Free weights, body weight exercises, medicine balls, machines, exercise bands, step boxes, bosu ball
BIG MUSCLES (QUADS/HAMS/GLUTES, PECS, LATS/TRAPS) Sets Example: Legs Day 4 sets of reps each of Squats, Lunges, Hamstring Curls and Bosu ball squats SMALL MUSCLES (BI’S, TRI’S, DELTS, ABS/OBLIQUES, GASTROC) 6-9 Sets Example: Delts 3 sets of reps each of Upright row, Shoulder Press, Front raise
F- 3-7 days a week, Important to warmup before exercise I- until you feel the muscle stretching but not a ripping feeling T- stretches should be held a minimum of 15 seconds and a max of 30 seconds T-stretches, yoga, pilates, dancing, wrestling, rock climbing, martial arts
WWith consistent effort you should see some changes in: 6 weeks IIf you stop exercising in as little as two weeks you can start to lose the gains that you have made