Vocabulary I Vocabulary II Revolutionary Men Causes of the Revolution I Causes of the Revolution II
Final Jeopardy
Category 1 – 100 Agreement between countries to help each other against other countries What is an alliance?
Category Total control of a market for a certain product What is a monopoly?
Category Written request to a government What is a petition?
Category Citizen soldiers who could be ready to fight in a minute’s notice Who are minutemen?
Category Soldiers who serve another country for money Who is a mercenary?
Category Import tax What is a duty?
Category Organized campaign to refuse to buy certain products What is a boycott?
Category Force made up of civilians trained as soldiers but not party of the regular army What is a militia?
Category Official end What is repeal?
Category Court orders allowing officials to make searches without saying what they were searching What is writs of assistance?
Category 3 – 100 British Prime Minister whose plan caused the turning point in the French and Indian War Who was William Pitt?
Category Leader from Pennsylvania who proposed an Albany Congress Who was Benjamin Franklin?
Category His death marked the official beginning of the French and Indian War Who was Edward Braddock?
Category He said, “Give me liberty or give me death!” Who was Patrick Henry?
Category President of the Continental Congress Who was John Hancock?
Category England and France were fighting for control of the rich trade and land in North America What is the French and Indian War?
Category Put a tax on all goods printed on royal paper What is the Stamp Act?
Category Response to Britain trying to create a monopoly on tea What is the Boston Tea Party?
Category Prevented the colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains What is the Proclamation of 1763?
Category Parliament’s proof of power after repealing the Stamp Act What is the Declaratory Act?
Category Required colonists to allow British soldiers to eat and sleep in their homes What is the Quartering Act?
Category Meeting of colonial leaders and delegates in Philadelphia to discuss British policies What is the Continental Congress?
Category Five colonists died and portrayed as a murderous crime by British soldiers What is the Boston Massacre?
Category Britain’s punishment for the colonists not paying taxes and the Boston Tea Party What are the Intolerable Acts?
Category They said “No taxation without representation!” Who are the Sons of Liberty?
Final Jeopardy You will choose one member from your team to represent your team. Only the member you choose can answer the final Jeopardy question. I will reveal the subject. The team will decide how many points they will wager on the question and write it on a piece of paper. I will reveal the answer. The chosen member will have 30 seconds to answer the question on the piece of paper. If you get it right, you will receive the points you wagered. If you get it wrong, you will loose the points you wagered.
Final Jeopardy Topic Organizing a Nation
Final Jeopardy Question Delegates would unite to defend the colonies against France
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