Building Capacity: Responding to SEA Consultation Lucia Susani Environmental Assessment Policy and Process Manager Environment Agency of England and Wales
Responding to SEA Consultation The Environment Agency’s role in SEA Tools to increase internal capacity Tools to develop external capacity The experience to date The way forward
The Environment Agency: Who Are We? The leading public body protecting and improving the environment in England and Wales Largest environmental regulator in Europe (>11,000 staff) Protection of air, soil and water under one organisation 3 roles: operational, regulatory, advisory
How are we structured? Head Office - Bristol and London 7 Regions and Wales 26 Area Offices
The Environment Agency’s Roles in SEA INTERNAL: Plan and Programme Maker EXTERNAL: Provider of Information Statutory Consultee
Environment Agency Role in External SEA SCREENING BASELINE ASSESSMENT & REPORTING CONSULTATION & DECISION MAKING MONITORING Provide opinion on significance of environmental effects Provide baseline data, identify environmental priorities or problems No Statutory role - assist process through meetings and influence Consulted on draft Strategy and Environmental Report Receive post-adoption statement and Final Plan or Programme; assist with monitoring. SCOPING Identify significant issues, suggest objectives, review approach/alternatives
The Legislation Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: 2001/42/EC SEA Regulations (England): SI 2004 No (21 July 2004) Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (Sustainability Appraisal)
External SEA/SA Requirements Land Use and Spatial Plans: Regional Spatial Strategies Local Development Documents Local Development Plans (Wales) Minerals Plans Waste Plans Non-Planning: Regional Economic Strategies Transport Plans Onshore and Offshore Licensing Rounds Community Strategies Waste Strategy 2000
Some Numbers Local Authorities in England/Wales Environment Agency Area offices Staff dealing with SEA (not full time!) SEA/SA documents received/area Total documents received to date 398 26 ~165 ~ 6-9 (max 20) ~ “No. of documents seems to be increasing all the time”
Our Capacity Building in SEA INTERNAL: Guidance and procedures Training Standard Objectives Data Packages EXTERNAL: Standards of Service SEA Liaison Group SEA website Do’s and Don’ts
Available on Consultation Bodies websites:
Consultation: Key Topics for the Environment Agency
Groundwater Protection
Objectives for consultation responses Protection from Flood Risk Address impacts of Climate Change Waste management: reduce, re-use, recycle Opportunities for environmental enhancement Protection of water resources/water quality Promote sustainable construction Re-use of brownfield land Increase energy efficiency
Towards better SEAs Need for iterative process with plan Avoid retrospective SEAs Clear audit trail to decision-making Documents need to be more strategic Need for assessment of cumulative effects Choice of objectives and indicators Pre-SEA meetings with plan makers helpful Joint meetings with other consultees helpful
Available Guidance:
The SEA Website - Usage