How Did ISIS Start? ISIS as a terrorist group started long before any of the talk of liberating the Islamic people and the events today transpired. They were originally aligned as a division of Al- Qaeda and while Al-Qaeda sprouted in the civil was against Russia ISIS cam from the war against the USA in Iraq. They were originally called Al-Qaeda in Iraq before evolving into the Islamic State.
Their Mantra/motive ISIS has similar goals to Al-Qaeda; establishing the so called Islamic State or Caliphate. (A caliphate is an Islamic state. It's led by a caliph, who is a political and religious leader who is a successor (caliph) to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. His power and authority is absolute.) And they are willing to inflict brutal violence on anyone, westerners, Muslims, or really any group that they deem unfit or not devout enough to live on the earth.
Why Are They Such a Threat? ISIS has been able to do what Al-Qaeda didn’t do very well, and that is seizing a very large amount of territory in Iraq and Syria in a very short ammount of time. They are militarily efficient and move not like the typical militias that people believe ISIS is, but with more military precision and this has the tacticians and officials of America, Syria and Iraq all very worried.
Why do people join ISIS? A major question a lot of people seem to have in the back of their minds, is why do people join the Islamic State? What is so appealing about it, especially to Muslims? According to CNN’s analysts and member of the council on human relations, he explains that the people joining ISIS are in need of a collective to belong to and ISIS is something that gives them that free reign. They are told what they want to hear, given a common enemy and all the justification that they need in order to see that the Islamic State is for them.
ISIS Chain of Command
My Opinion on This Issue I believe that this issue should be dealt with diligently and as quickly as possible as this terrorist group is indeed a threat to the national security of a lot of the nations world. And there are things that need to be done and many other Canadians share this view by ex soldiers from both the United States and Canada fighting for the mostly the Kurdish militia to help fight back at ISIS.
Critique of the Article For this project I used a wide variety of different stories all talking about different aspects of ISIS. That being said the principle article I drew from was very insightful, it showed great graphics like the power tree/chain of command I have showcased in this presentation along with many other. The article was also accompanied by a great video that helps really show you what is going on with the Islamic State. A con of this article would be that there wasn’t a lot of knowledge into how the conflict started, why ISIS does what they do or what is going on right now.
Source of Article explained/?iid=article_sidebar explained/?iid=article_sidebar This is the video and the article