Thursday, April 30, from 11:00 a.m. to noon Howard University Howard University Hospital Basement Auditorium Washington, DC Guest Presenter: Zakiya M. Cush, Founder, The Medical Pledge
The Medical Pledge (TMP) will serve communities all over this nation, by allowing synergies between medical schools, physicians, allied health professionals, NPs and PAs. This program allows Medicaid, the uninsured and private insurance holders,to have medical bills, lab tests, and co-pay waivers for the elderly (including AARP members) covered, as per TMP initiative.
Patients who visit healthcare facilities, which honor the code of ethics and rules governing TMP, will benefit from the company’s services, of covering medical debts. This will allow for more patients to be treated and for healthcare professionals to garner more patient care skills via working with a more diverse patient population, while improving the financial stability of physicians within his or her practice. The Medical Pledge will allow us to help those less fortunate, without the financial worry of not being able to.
Medical school students, apart of TMP, will be allowed to receive the necessary test preparation from companies that assist students with their exam prep, via The Cush Center for Learning, Inc. Medical students will be allowed to receive licensing exam (USMLE and COMLEX- USA) test preparation Medical school students apart of TMP will be given stipends for volunteering with: the homeless, children, veterans and the elderly Providing students with tutoring and external academic resources, like study guides from elite education review companies, to ensure academic success in their respective academic subjects.
The Medical Pledge will cover patient balances not covered by insurance, or if patient is unable to cover costs of procedures, deemed medically necessary, as per the licensed physician. All physicians in the nation, apart of The Medical Pledge will have a minimum of 10 cases, covered by The Medical Pledge TMP will make allowances for patients to see allied health professionals Doing our best to help our citizens, no matter which aspect of our population, they come from.
The Medical Pledge began from one thought to make the entire healthcare and medical education system easier for students and healthcare professionals. The Medical Pledge will inspire successive generations, enabling more citizens to be treated, and enrich the lives of our medical students. The synergies we create among our medical schools, medical students, healthcare professionals and government will create ties that influence a generation of visionaries. Thank you for your support. Providing help to our elders, students, veterans, children and the homeless, The Medical Pledge endeavors to be a pillar of social and medical support in our nation.
We know there is a problem regarding mental health and our community; however, we can free more from the stigma of mental health via new methods, and by forging this synergy, we can improve upon the overall quality of mental health in this nation ~ZC~
M3How it Works The ability to self- assess ones mental health state, in the privacy of his or her home, without the stigma The ability to obtain clinical help, based on ones M3 score, so that more can get the aid they need
Founders: Robert Post, MD is an adjunct professor, Department of Psychiatry, George Washington School of Medicine and leads the Bipolar Collaborative Network. He is also the former Director, NIMH. Larry Culpepper, MD is the founding Chairman of the Department of Family Medicine. He received his M.D from Baylor College of Medicine and his M.P.H. from Boston University. Gerald Hurowitz, MD is an assistant clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University. A graduate of Yale University, he received his M.D. from Jefferson Medical College. Bernie Snyder, MD is a practicing psychiatrist in Rockville, MD. He received his M.D. from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. He completed his internship at Medical College of Virginia Hospital and completed his residency at Yale University mental health clinic.
Sometimes when people have nowhere to turn, when battling a mental disorder, they must lean on something. Those things may be negative approaches to abating the residual effects from a traumatic experience, whether it is drug abuse, gambling, or alcoholism, these actions, can lead to exacerbated mental health disorders.
… the point of care…… or while waiting to see the physician … or even from home Patient Takes the screen at … Physician gets the diagnosis report with the M3 score Source: Internal Data, Company website Confidential; for discussion purposes only
I feel synergies between the old and the young will be beneficial for generations to come. I welcome support for The Medical Pledge and the synergy between M3; I want to provide medical students the most from their volunteer work. It begins with the elderly, and many more. By enriching medical universities and their student body, The Medical Pledge and its synergies, will help to bring empathy back to medicine, one opportunity at a time.
Zakiya M. Cush Founder The Medical Pledge Address: PO Box 2233 Philadelphia, PA Thank You !