This project has been funded with support from the European Commission National TEMPUS Information Day Rectorate hall, University of Montenegro December 18, 2009 WBC-VMnet Project Janjic Mileta, University of Montenegro Janjic Mileta
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission WBC-VMnet WBC Virtual Manufacturing Network - Fostering an Integration of Knowladge Triangle Agreement No: TEMPUS-2008-RS-JPHES Janjic Mileta, University of Montenegro Janjic Mileta
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission Outline Strategic goal Specific objectives The results of the University of Montenegro as a partner in the project Janjic Mileta
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission Strategic goal In the triangle of knowledge which includes education, research and innovation in the field of virtual development of products and processes, this Tempus project envisages the establishment of efficient and effective mechanisms and structures for cooperation between key actors in the triangle of knowledge within the region of the Western Balkans (WBC) - higher education institutions, companies (especially SMEs), research and innovation centers and local and regional authorities. The project will contribute to improving and modernizing the capacity of higher education in the field of technology of virtual manufacturing (VM) for the successful implementation of the Lisbon strategy. Janjic Mileta
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission Specific objectives 1.To establish and equip four cooperative training centers (CTC) in the WBC region. 2. To expand VMnet network through the WBC region, and thus involve new experts and members from academic,research and business world and government sectors. 3. To develop, evaluate and implement a new regional model for cooperation between universities and enterprises. Janjic Mileta
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission 4.To modernize and adapt the programs of professional training in order to meet the needs of small businesses and the labor market. 5.To enable students to gain practical experience in the industry. 6.To raise the awareness of society about the importance of integration of the knowledge triangle in order to achieve the prosperity of the region and establish a quality dissemination of achieved project results. Janjic Mileta
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission The results of the University of Montenegro as a partner in the project 1.Participation in two meetings of the Partners held so far. 2.Dissemination of project goals among students and SMEs. 3.Obtaining the two questionnaires as well as examples of good practice of cooperation of European universities and companies: Staffordshire University and the University of Bristol. 4.Expanding of the VMnet network by obtaining new members is in progress. Janjic Mileta
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission 5.The Cooperative Training Center (CTC) is established, and equipped with ten computers and a projector, where the training will be conducted. Janjic Mileta
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission 6.The text on The Cooperation of the University of Montenegro with Enterprises is written for a brochure in which the cooperation of all Universities from WBC region, which are partners in the project, should be published. 7.The implementation of T&SNA training and service needs analysis in Montenegro is in progress, in order to identify the needs of companies for advanced training and services in the areas of product development and manufacturing processes. Janjic Mileta
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Janjic Mileta