Computing/BCS North London What’s ahead for 2003? December 2002 Presented by: Colin Barker, Editor in Chief, Computing
IT TECHNOLOGIES INDEX Analysis of all respondents Q1: Please rate each of the following IT Technologies and concerns, in terms of their importance to your organisation’s IT strategy over the next months Base: 2281 Very Important Fairly Important
IT TECHNOLOGIES INDEX Analysis comparing IT vs Finance Q1: Please rate each of the following IT Technologies and concerns, in terms of their importance to your organisation’s IT strategy over the next months (% STATING VERY OR FAIRLY IMPORTANT) Base: 1876 IT, 405 Financial) IT Financial
IT TECHNOLOGIES INDEX Analysis by company size Q1: Please rate each of the following IT Technologies and concerns, in terms of their importance to your organisation’s IT strategy over the next months (% STATING VERY OR FAIRLY IMPORTANT) Base: 869 in <200, 441 in , 887 in 1,000+
IT TECHNOLOGIES INDEX Analysis comparing results to 2001 Q1: Please rate each of the following IT Technologies and concerns, in terms of their importance to your organisation’s IT strategy over the next months (% STATING VERY OR FAIRLY IMPORTANT) 2001 data is percentage scoring 4 or 5 on 1-5 scale where 1 is ‘Not at all important’ and 5 is ‘Extremely Important’ Base: 2281
IT TECHNOLOGIES INDEX Summary â Security remains the No 1 technology concern for both IT and Financial audiences â E-commerce and Remote access are in the Top 5 of concerns â Extensive media coverage and vendor activity around Web Services appear to have heightened interest in this technology, but who’s buying? â Importance ratings for ‘business intelligence’ developments via CRM and KM are particularly high amongst the Financial audience â Broadband has seen a significant y-o-y increase driven particularly by interest from SMEs - the sector which would potentially be the first to benefit from increased UK coverage of broadband â Findings highlight that SLM, Storage, EAI and Thin Client remain principally enterprise IT concerns