23/01/2007ID Software Workshop1 SCT performance from the SR1 endcap data Satoru Mima Okayama University ID Software Meeting 23-Jan Noise Study -
23/01/2007ID Software Workshop2 Contents -Noise Study - 1.Trigger rate scan 2.Noise threshold scan 3.Edge detection mode On/Off 4.Cabling 5.Summary Online - Sergey Burdin Online Monitoring - Martin White Offline - Satoru Mima
23/01/2007ID Software Workshop3 Noise study - very important issue Top Left Quadrant of the SCT EC-C 246/247 Modules Hybrid Temperature ~ 17 ℃ SCT EC modules have 3 main types: Outer: 56.5 – 71.8 mm x mm Pitch: 70.8 – 90.3 μm Middle: 56.1 – 75.2 mm x mm Pitch: 70.3 – 94.8 μm Inner: 43.8 – 55.8 mm x 73.9 mm Pitch: 54.4 – 69.5 μm Sergey Burdin EndCap-C Module production phase SR1 Cosmic ray test Underground commissioning Compare Barrel vs EC-C
23/01/2007ID Software Workshop4 1. Trigger Rate Scan EC-C Runs 7702 to 7705 were all performed with 1 fC thresholds, but with different trigger rates: The mean and the RMS of the occupancy distribution does not apparently change with trigger rate: The table shows the noise occupancy mean (RMS), scaled by 10E5 Martin White Sergey Burdin Online Online Monitoring
23/01/2007ID Software Workshop5 Noise Occupancy of EC-C run7705(1kHz) vs run7702(100kHz) No trigger rate dependence
23/01/2007ID Software Workshop6 2. Noise threshold scan EC-C All 10kEvent A plot of noise Occupancy versus threshold. We fit Noise Occupancy with Error Function. Good fitting result
23/01/2007ID Software Workshop7 Noise threshold scan EC-C separated into Eta (Outer,Middle,Inner). ENC(e - ) The distribution of Equivalent Noise Charge (ENC) value. ENC (Outer) : 1570 e- (Middle) : 1550 e- (Inner) : 1110 e- Zoom per chip per module
23/01/2007ID Software Workshop8 Comparison of ENC of Barrel and EndCap-C ENC(Barrel) : 1580e - EndCap-C ENC(Outer) : 1570 e - (Middle) : 1550 e - (Inner) : 1110 e - ENC(e-) Same ENC for Barrel and EndCap-C
23/01/2007ID Software Workshop9 Comparison of ENC for EC-C My analysis result Refer to “ The ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker End-Cap Module ” (2006) NIM Paper SR1 Comic-Ray testModule Production ENC(Outer) : 1570 e - (Middle) : 1550 e - (Inner) : 1110 e - Only electron increase in ENC
23/01/2007ID Software Workshop10 3. Edge Detection Mode In physics mode the edge detect mode was ON Higher occupancy Sensitive to redundant clock? S.Burdin Observed factor 3-4 increase in NO Online
23/01/2007ID Software Workshop11 Increased Occupancy in the Endcap when switching between Edge Mode and Edge Detect Re-cap of what the Front-End readout looks like: S.Burdin
23/01/ Noise occupancy Edge Detection Mode ON/OFF Run 7757 Edge Detect ON Run7702 Edge Detect OFF Inner Middle Outer 5E-6 Noise Occupancy Large Mean value And dispersion 00
23/01/2007ID Software Workshop13 Time bin (Edge Off ) 20KEvent Edge Detection Mode OFF Time bin (Edge On)20KEvent Time Bin Time Bin ON Random, short, much smaller than 40MHz Noise
23/01/2007ID Software Workshop14 4. Cabling for EC-C at SR1 Module in Disk 3, Inner side had disappeared. Inner Middle Outer Fixed by Shaun Roe, Sergey Burdin Disk Missing Disk 3 Fixed! (I use same cosmic run)
23/01/2007ID Software Workshop15 5. Summary No trigger rate dependence (1kHz-100kHz) ENC=1600e - (spec.<1500e - ) for Barrel and EndCap-C (Outer/Middle) Inner ENC=1100e - (Quiet) Edge Detection Mode has been analyzed Observed NO increase in Time bin = 001,010,100. Cabling map problem fixed -> Looking forward to underground commissioning!