CCLI # KNEELING © 2006 Lynda Thoms
CCLI # Kneeling in that garden, death before Him From His brow the sweat dripped crimson red
CCLI # And in that place He felt so God forsaken Yet "Father not my will but Yours," He said
CCLI # And with that kiss of death He met betrayal And trial for these crimes He did not do
CCLI # But willingly He suffered there in silence Its eternal worth outweighed the pain He knew
CCLI # The crowd cried for a murderer "release him" Replaced him with this man of innocence
CCLI # But still His worthy plea remained unspoken At last my pure Lord was sentenced death
CCLI # And walking up that hill His heart was broken With torture such my body never knew
CCLI # But still He kept on walking right towards The pain that sealed the gift for me and you
CCLI # Those nails that drove into Those nails that drove into His hands of freedom That locked Him to the cross of pain He knew
CCLI # Were crafted by the sins I have committed The punishment for all that I would do
CCLI # And how His body on that cross was broken That crown of thorns that pierced His head so pure
CCLI # In those dying breaths He breathed forgiveness The sting of death at last would meet its cure.
CCLI # Darkness fell upon the land for hours And mocking insults all around Him flew
CCLI # Until at last His voice cried up in anguish The curtain in the temple ripped in two
CCLI # And limp His body hung for my salvation And in a grave so cold they laid His head
CCLI # But when they did return they found Him risen Returned to life again just as He said
Next slide: Take My Life