Climate Change and ESD discussion
What are the needs of your regions in terms of education and learning to address Climate Change? 1.Identify sustainable models of behavior 2.Need for an awareness campaigns, advocacy for the whole community, publicity at all levels (RCE Mau and others) – UNU will send invitation for the UNFCCC Alliance campaign 3.Holistic understanding on the cause-effect of climate change; example of harmful practices (linked with 4) 4.Capacity development for transformative actions, especially for the educators and for the communities 5.Establishing of the capacity development institutions 6.Integration of traditional wisdom into actions; adaptation and mitigation knowledge 7.Climate change into the curricula at all levels AND the whole school approach (link with 4) 8.Work with media 9.Need for motivation (around benefit of action) 10.Effort for engaging with policy makers and their capacity development (linked with 4) 11.Civic voluntarism for CC actions 12.Livelihood activities under the CC conditions and towards greener development, education towards transformation of the ‘traditional’ sectors – documentation and measuring the benefits of actions. Specific emphasis on the traditional technology and its interplay with modern technologies. 13.Need for baseline 14.Literacy and adequacy of translation of the materials 15.Documentation of real experience 16.Overcoming ‘anti-climate’ groups
What additional capacities your RCE (and RCE partners) require to satisfy these educational needs? 1.Need for collaboration on climate issues, among key stakeholders including NGOs UNU will put a “market place’ on the RCE Portal and suggest webinar for information exchange (‘climate Clinique’) 2.Action oriented research as a strategy for capacity development 3.Opportunity for climate compatible development research 4.Community resilience plan 5.Information and data between scientific and policy communities; working closely with policy makers (data, etc.) 6.Teachers training 7.Data on climate 8.Integration of TK with other knowledges 9.Strong case/project for funding from the private sector (innovative project) 10.Curricula 11.Policies for ‘greener’ development 12.Exchange programme 13.Documentation of the RCE practices 14.Clarifying and empowering people to take actions (at all levels and in all sectors) 15.Funding and other resources 16.Administrative support and operations in place 17.Rapid reactions from educational sector to address emergency situations 18.Sustaining actions beyond events 19.’Translation’ of international experience into local realities.
Prioritized actions 1.Need for an awareness campaigns, advocacy for the whole community, publicity at all levels Participation in the UNFCCC Alliance campaign on education for climate change 2.Capacity development for transformative actions, for the educators, policy makers and communities Actions to be explored at the portal 3.Livelihood activities under the CC conditions and towards greener development, education towards transformation of the ‘traditional’ sectors – documentation and measuring the benefits of actions. Specific emphasis on the traditional technology and its interplay with modern technologies. Documentation of ESD practices on the ESD and livelihood under pressure of climate change is agreed Further exploration on follow up actions, e.g. measuring, capacity development, etc. is to be explored at the RCE Portal 4.Need for collaboration on climate issues, among key stakeholders including NGOs UNU will put a “market place’ on the RCE Portal and suggest webinar for information exchange (‘climate Clinique’)