Experts Workshop on the GBIF INTEGRATED PUBLISHING TOOLKIT V. 2 IPT Resources Alberto González Talaván Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) June 2011
Summary Main resources Communication and collaboration channels Feedback and input mechanisms Training resources Helpdesk Ancillary resources Other resources (ORC)
IPT Google Code Site Download Source Code Issue tracking User manual Technical documentation FAQ
User Manual Getting started Quick reference guide Tutorials Other resources
Communication and Collaboration IPT Mailing list IPT Contributors list IPT helpdesk and training experts group
Feedback and Input Issue tracking in the IPT Google Code site
Training resources Presentations and exercises
Helpdesk Financial support for on-site helpdesk
Ancillary resources Posters Simple presentations in different languages v. 1.0 user manuals and documentation Installation video
Other resources GBIF Online Resource Centre Beta A web 2.0 online tool that provides a single and user-friendly access point to documents, files, tools and links relevant for the GBIF Community and the wider Biodiversity Informatics community