1 Item 2.1.b of the agenda IT Governance in the ESS and related issues Renewal of mandates STNE Adam WROŃSKI Eurostat, Unit B5
2 IT Directors’ Group Meeting Current mandate – information exchange Analysis of needs in IT within the ESS in the area of information exchange and co-operative work. Drafting of a biannual work programme setting out priorities for the launching of initiatives in the area of telematic networks, EDI and standardisation, to be submitted to the IT Steering Committee[1].[1] Implementation of the approved work programme. Acting as the IDA sectoral committee for statistics. Liaising with the relevant standard bodies. Responding to specific requests of the IT Steering Committee
3 IT Directors’ Group Meeting Keeping with times – need for renewal Maturity of EDAMIS ESS Vision GSBPM CORA / CORE MSIS / SAB SDMX – more then exchange format (≠SDMX-ML) Resources or rather lack off Age of Digital Entanglement Need for exchange and standardisation wider than exchange
4 IT Directors’ Group Meeting Last STNE - discussion Setting up an international group of IT architects being "one level under the CIO (Chief Information Officer)", was chosen to give a try. Group of volunteered countries CZ, IE, FR, NL, NO, SI, PT and UK (joined after the session) together with UNECE and Eurostat has been set up for contributing to the elaboration of the reviewed mandate of STNE. Other countries are welcomed to participate or to provide theirs feedback, ideas and suggestions. The draft version of the reviewed mandate was created through collaborative work using wiki from June 17 th till August 25th
5 IT Directors’ Group Meeting New mandate - SISAI The terms of reference associate SISAI closely with ITDG. First SISAI seeks to maximise involvement of ESS members looking for more collaborative approach. Conference style meeting. The scope of activities covers IT areas of contemporary interest their links with business processes, including sharing, aiming at further integration of the ESS and use of common tools and services. SISAI aspires to provide an ESS wide forum for exchange of experiences and good practices regarding information systems leading to convergence of our standards. This applies not only to projects led by Eurostat but also Member States' driven ones.
6 IT Directors’ Group Meeting SISAI Statistical Information Systems Architecture and Integration It clearly looks like what proposed for SISAI has potential to help us working on needed solutions and potential to answer our questions. Consequently, we should give SISAI a try and provide it a concerted push in the right direction.
7 IT Directors’ Group Meeting ITDG is asked to comment on the proposed mandate content. approve the proposed mandate of the SISAI provide suggestions for the first SISAI meeting topics and offer contributions.
8 IT Directors’ Group Meeting 1. BACKGROUND / ORIGIN 1.1. The STNE (Statistics, Telematic Networks and Electronic Data Interchange) group during its June 2010 meeting concluded that it should change to better respond to needs and challenges of today. It was agreed that STNE should transform itself into SISAI (Statistical Information Systems Architecture and Integration, hereafter referred as the Group). 2. MEMBERSHIP 2.1. The Group consists of IS/IT experts, representatives of members of the ESS Observers from other national and international statistical organisations are welcomed The secretariat is provided by Eurostat 3. MANDATE / REPORTING AUTHORITY 3.1. The terms of reference of the Group were approved by the ITDG (IT Directors Group) in October The Group works under ITDG guidance. 3.3 The Group shall provide periodic updates on its activities to the joint UNECE / Eurostat / OECD meetings on the Management of Statistical Information Systems (MSIS).
9 IT Directors’ Group Meeting 4. OBJECTIVES 4.1. Covers the activities of the ESS in the area of statistical information systems and their links with related business processes, including moves towards a shared statistical business and information architecture, aiming at further integration of the ESS and use of common tools and services Provides a forum for exchange of experiences and good practices among information systems architects from national and international statistical organisations Facilitates and encourages implementation of common technical standards, services and recommendations in the field of statistical computing throughout the ESS Analyses requirements within the ESS in the area of IT systems architecture & co-operative work towards formal models, and an infrastructure for technical and business collaboration activities Analyses statistical information systems frameworks in terms of overall architectural principles and makes recommendation for usage in ESS Networks with the relevant ESS and international bodies Technically evaluates software developed within the ESS and proposes development, maintenance and improvement promoting sharable solutions Responds to specific requests of the ITDG
10 IT Directors’ Group Meeting 5. TIMETABLE 5.1. Meetings are organised every year, usually once per year, in the spring. 6. METHODS OF WORK / TYPES OF ACTIVITES 6.1. Exchange of information and discussion during annual meetings: conference-style presentations, discussion and decisions on specific proposals or ideas Internet information exchange means, exchange forums, e.g. wikis. 7. OUTPUT 7.1. Proliferation of state-of-the-art knowledge and good practices among ESS Members in the area of the Group mandate Reports, guidelines, standards and issues for ITDG consideration, information or approval Group operating rules, meeting minutes meeting documents and presentations Support for the IT & Methodology objectives of the European Statistical Programme in the area of the Group mandate.