SJRWMD Arc Hydro Developments & Applications Arc Hydro in Florida: Core Principles and Collaboration November 4, 2005 University of Florida Water Institute, Gainesville, FL
District location
Outline IntroductionIntroduction Selected Construction TopicsSelected Construction Topics Custom tool developmentCustom tool development 2005 peer review and modifications for peer review and modifications for 2006 Current SWQM application of Arc Hydro modelCurrent SWQM application of Arc Hydro model
Outline IntroductionIntroduction Selected Construction TopicsSelected Construction Topics Custom tool developmentCustom tool development 2005 peer review and modifications for peer review and modifications for 2006 Current SWQM application of Arc Hydro modelCurrent SWQM application of Arc Hydro model
Outline IntroductionIntroduction Selected Construction TopicsSelected Construction Topics Custom tool developmentCustom tool development 2005 peer review and modifications for peer review and modifications for 2006
Arc Hydro Application District’s Surface Water Quality Monitoring (SWQM) ProgramDistrict’s Surface Water Quality Monitoring (SWQM) Program Arc Hydro delineated watersheds for 73 water quality monitoring sitesArc Hydro delineated watersheds for 73 water quality monitoring sites Arc Hydro - Spatial Data Summary Tool – generated GIS summariesArc Hydro - Spatial Data Summary Tool – generated GIS summaries Producing SWQM Watershed Fact Page(s)Producing SWQM Watershed Fact Page(s) Created web site with District’s Office of Communication and Governmental AffairsCreated web site with District’s Office of Communication and Governmental Affairs
Website demo… Website demo…
Outline Current SWQM application of modelCurrent SWQM application of model IntroductionIntroduction Selected Construction TopicsSelected Construction Topics Custom tool developmentCustom tool development 2005 peer review and modifications for peer review and modifications for 2006
Introduction: Background surface water quality modeling sediment quality and benthic community health assessments a biennial District-wide surface water quality status and trends report An Arc Hydro data model was created to address the needs of the Surface Water Quality Monitoring (SWQM) program. The SWQM program supports:
Surface Water Quality Monitoring Program – Arc Hydro Development Initial Goal for Arc Hydro: to delineate watersheds for 73 water quality monitoring sites based on (modified - QAQC) existing surface water drainage areas (SJRWMD_catchment)Initial Goal for Arc Hydro: use to delineate watersheds for 73 water quality monitoring sites based on (modified - QAQC) existing surface water drainage areas (SJRWMD_catchment) Arc Hydro customizations: tool development for data mining, summarization and integrationArc Hydro customizations: tool development for data mining, summarization and integration
Surface Water Quality Monitoring Program – Arc Hydro Development Initial Goal for Arc Hydro: to delineate watersheds for 73 water quality monitoring sites based on (modified - QAQC) existing surface water drainage areas (SJRWMD_catchment)Initial Goal for Arc Hydro: use to delineate watersheds for 73 water quality monitoring sites based on (modified - QAQC) existing surface water drainage areas (SJRWMD_catchment) Arc Hydro customizations: tool development for data mining, summarization and integrationArc Hydro customizations: tool development for data mining, summarization and integration
Surface Water Quality Monitoring Program – Arc Hydro Development: Initial Applications Use to create Web-based Watershed Fact PagesUse to create Web-based Watershed Fact Pages Combine Arc Hydro with Pollution Load Screening ModelCombine Arc Hydro with Pollution Load Screening Model Initial effort – “Inventory” of Water Resources Data at SJRWMDInitial effort – “Inventory” of Water Resources Data at SJRWMD
Outline Current SWQM application of modelCurrent SWQM application of model IntroductionIntroduction Selected Construction TopicsSelected Construction Topics Custom tool developmentCustom tool development 2005 peer review and modifications for peer review and modifications for 2006
Construction of the SWQM Arc Hydro Model HistoryHistory Design criteria & ConstructionDesign criteria & Construction Iterative processIterative process
History Starting date August 2003Starting date August 2003 First prototype January 2004First prototype January 2004 –Dean Djokic: “It looks like it was built with a hammer.” SJRWMD Arc Hydro Training March 2004SJRWMD Arc Hydro Training March 2004 –(20+ participants) –District AH Interest Group Second prototype September 2004Second prototype September 2004 Third prototype Winter 2004Third prototype Winter 2004 Several iterations later…..Several iterations later….. Current “Final” SWQM version May 2005Current “Final” SWQM version May 2005 –= First SJRWMD “Enterprise” version (IR) –Compiling data corrections - ongoing Advanced Arc Hydro Workshop September 2005Advanced Arc Hydro Workshop September 2005 and Peer Review of GDB (ESRI) for revision
Selected Construction Topics SJRWMD_catchmentSJRWMD_catchment –Break for position of monitoring points –Add Georgia data –Groundwater Model HydroEdgeHydroEdge –Flow lines through wetlands –Interior sinks –Tidal Null Points HydroJunctionHydroJunction –“Surrogates” for mid-lake/tidal monitoring points –Multiple HydroPoints using single HydroJunction
Selected Construction Topics SJRWMD_catchmentSJRWMD_catchment –Break for position of monitoring points –Add Georgia data –Groundwater Model HydroEdgeHydroEdge –Flow lines through wetlands –Interior sinks –Tidal Null Points HydroJunctionHydroJunction –“Surrogates” for mid-lake/tidal monitoring points –Multiple HydroPoints using single HydroJunction
Primary data sources: 100k NHDinArc100k NHDinArc –HydroEdge –Waterbody In-houseIn-house –SJRWMD_catchment –Monitoring Points –Other points DerivedDerived –HydroJunction –CmtOutlet, WbdOutlet
Currently doing QAQC/editing on the 24k NHDinGEOCurrently doing QAQC/editing on the 24k NHDinGEO Primary focus on nhd.flowline and waterbodiesPrimary focus on nhd.flowline and waterbodies Replace features in ArcHydro (HydroEdge, Waterbody)Replace features in ArcHydro (HydroEdge, Waterbody) HydroEdge – NHDinGEO
Groundwater Model – Modeled drainage to spring
Groundwater model
determined by the particle tracking method. USGS report, entitled "Comparison of Estimated Areas Contributing Recharge to Selected Springs in North-Central Florida by Using Multiple Ground-Water Flow Models," OFR Stan Williams, SJRWMD – Resource Management
Groundwater model -
Groundwater model / catchment edits
Catchment edits
Groundwater model
Groundwater model -
Catchment edits
NHD route.reach (source for HydroEdge) continuous along IntraCoastalWaterway (ICW)NHD route.reach (source for HydroEdge) continuous along IntraCoastalWaterway (ICW) How to model flow out multiple Atlantic Ocean inlets?How to model flow out multiple Atlantic Ocean inlets? HydroEdge – Tidal problem
Three of the 9 Atlantic Ocean Inlets
HydroEdge – Tidal problem 100k NHDinArc
HydroEdge – Tidal problem 100k NHDinArc “Tidal Null Points”
HydroEdge – Tidal problem 100k NHDinArc (5 selected) Problem: How to model in ArcHydro?
HydroEdge – Tidal problem Arc Hydro HydroEdge
HydroEdge – Tidal problem Arc Hydro HydroEdge
HydroEdge – Tidal problem Arc Hydro HydroEdge
HydroEdge – Tidal problem Arc Hydro HydroEdge
MODEL IMPLEMENTATION The SJRWMD Arc Hydro model implementation consisted of several iterations of the following steps: 1) Prepare data, 2) Generate linear network, 3) Create HydroJunction, 4) Build HydroNetwork, 5) Set flow direction, and 6) Apply Arc Hydro schema with additional relationship class establishment
MODEL IMPLEMENTATION The SJRWMD Arc Hydro model implementation consisted of several iterations of the following steps: 1) Prepare data, 2) Generate linear network, 3) Create HydroJunction, 4) Build HydroNetwork, 5) Set flow direction, and 6) Apply Arc Hydro schema with additional relationship class establishment
Outline Current SWQM application of modelCurrent SWQM application of model IntroductionIntroduction Selected Construction TopicsSelected Construction Topics Custom tool developmentCustom tool development 2005 peer review and modifications for peer review and modifications for 2006
Arc Hydro Custom Tool Development Environmental Database Access ToolEnvironmental Database Access Tool Nexrain/Onerain Data Access ToolNexrain/Onerain Data Access Tool Arc Hydro Watershed Summary Tool / Spatial Data Summary ToolArc Hydro Watershed Summary Tool / Spatial Data Summary Tool
Arc Hydro Custom Tool Development Environmental Database Access ToolEnvironmental Database Access Tool Nexrain/Onerain Data Access ToolNexrain/Onerain Data Access Tool Arc Hydro Watershed Summary Tool / Spatial Data Summary ToolArc Hydro Watershed Summary Tool / Spatial Data Summary Tool
Arc Hydro Watershed Summary Tool: Purpose: to summarize spatial data based on watershed delineations from ArcHydro “Trace Feature by NextDownID Attribute” (flag) toolPurpose: to summarize spatial data based on watershed delineations from ArcHydro “Trace Feature by NextDownID Attribute” (flag) tool Rechristened “Spatial Data Summary Tool”Rechristened “Spatial Data Summary Tool”
“Trace by NextDownID Attribute” function
Highlight selected layer(s)
Current application of model Summaries are used on web-based Watershed Fact Pages for public
Outline Current SWQM application of modelCurrent SWQM application of model IntroductionIntroduction Selected Construction TopicsSelected Construction Topics Custom tool developmentCustom tool development 2005 peer review and modifications for peer review and modifications for 2006
2005 Peer Review Contract with ESRIContract with ESRI Report in reviewReport in review Recommendations for alterations/enhancementsRecommendations for alterations/enhancements implementation implementation
If you build it.…. they will come….
SJRWMD Arc Hydro collaborators: Dept. of Water Resources / Environmental AssessmentDept. of Water Resources / Environmental Assessment –Sandra Fox –Aisa Ceric –Palmer Kinser Dept. of Water Resources / EngineeringDept. of Water Resources / Engineering –Dave Clapp Dept. of Information ResourcesDept. of Information Resources –Chris Mundy –Chun Chen
SJRWMD Arc Hydro web application team: Dept. of Water Resources / Environmental AssessmentDept. of Water Resources / Environmental Assessment –Sandra Fox –Aisa Ceric –Steve Winkler –Ken Riddick –Palmer Kinser Office of Communications and Governmental AffairsOffice of Communications and Governmental Affairs –Jeff Cole –Beth Hickenlooper –Trinity Wade –Josh Sweigart