Characteristics of Living Things
What is Biology? Biology the study of living things Bio = Life ology = study of Living things are classified into 5 groups: –Animals –Plants –Fungi –Protists –Bacteria In Biology, we call these the 5 kingdoms of living things.
Living vs. Nonliving Living things Biotic Called organisms Made up of CELLS (unicellular and multicellular) Examples: –Plants –Animals –people Non-living things Abiotic “A” = no; not Examples: –Soil –Rocks –Water –Air
S ynthesis How organisms build necessary molecules Examples: –Protein Synthesis: making proteins from DNA –Photosynthesis: plants make food using energy from sunlight
T ransport How organisms get what they need to cells Examples: –Circulation and absorption –Active transport; diffusion; osmosis; facilitated diffusion
E xcretion How organisms get rid of their waste and balance their fluids Examples: –Removing fluids to balance water – Removing unused molecules from food
R egulation How organisms control body processes Examples: Important to homeostasis- to maintain balance within the body Short term change based on stimulus (stimulus and response) allows living things to adapt to changes Sweating – reduces body temperature
N utrients How organisms break down and absorb food Examples: –Fungi decompose dead remains (decomposer) –Plants make their own food (autotroph) –Animals consume other organisms and absorb food (heterotroph)
G row & Develop How organisms make new cells and develop necessary body parts Examples: –Birds develop in an egg –Mammals develop in a uterus –Fungi develop from a spore –Plants develop from a seed Grow – to get larger in size; body size Develop – to change due to hormonal or mental cues
Living things are complex and made up of many levels 5. Organism 4. Organ System 3. Organs 2. Tissues 1.Cells – basic unit of life * Atoms, Molecules *Elements
Muscle cell Muscle tissue Heart Circulatory System/ Organsim
R eproduction How organisms make new individuals like themselves Examples: –Prevents Extinction –Sexual vs. Asexual –Internal or external fertilization
R espiration How organisms get oxygen and release carbon dioxide to make usable energy A series of chemical reactions that result in the release of energy (ATP) Examples: –Anaerobic respiration = no oxygen –Aerobic respiration = oxygen –Plants exchange gasses