Public Health Practice Council Meeting January 31, 2007
Review of Key PHPC Charter Elements Purpose: To serve as a forum for a coordinated, enterprise-wide approach to addressing public health practice issues at CDC. To improve inter-Agency communication about shared practice matters and to contribute to a joint strategy for CDC’s leadership in improving public health practice.
Review of Key PHPC Charter Elements Functions (not limited to): Providing a forum for discussion, decision- making, and developing recommendations to the CDC Director, Executive Leadership Board, and other leadership bodies within the Agency. Communicating practice-related information to CDC program areas.
Review of Key PHPC Charter Elements Leadership: Chair – Dr. Stephanie Bailey, Chief of Public Health Practice Vice-Chair – TBD Will assist and serve as Chair in her absence.
Review of Charter Elements Membership: Designated representatives from Coordinating Centers, Coordinating Offices, National Centers, and the Office of the Director Staff Offices, where appropriate.
Review of Key PHPC Charter Elements External Representation: Representatives from external organizations will be invited to participate, on a limited basis, to offer insights and comments related to public health practice issues (e.g. ASTHO, NACCHO, NALBOH, CSTE, APHL, etc.).
Review of Key PHPC Charter Elements Meeting Frequency: Meetings will be scheduled by the Chair, and will be held the 3 rd Thursday of each month (or bi-monthly). Agenda items may be submitted to the Chair or an OCPHP staff member. PHPC box to be explored.
Decision Making Decision making by the Council should be efficient, but should not close out interaction too quickly – the group will attempt to address all issues of concern.
Decision Making Decisions will be reached by consensus whenever possible, but votes may be taken when consensus is lacking. Minutes will document the debate and level of consensus achieved.
Decision Making As issues are decided, groups should specify recommendations, including the options it has considered (role of discussion workgroups).
Public Health Practice Issues Groupings: Communication Programs Infrastructure Universal
Voting Using your red dots, please vote for your top 3 public health practice issues
Top Issues Translation of science into practice (18 votes) Establish a conceptual framework of performance of public health systems (Beyond HP 2010) (12 votes) Facilitate building infrastructure at the local, state, and international levels (9 votes)