Source: FocusPoint Solutions, Morningstar. The “balanced” portfolio assumes the following weights: 17.5% S&P 500, 7.5% Russell MidCap, 5.0% Russell 2000, 20.0% MSCI EAFE, 13.0% Barclays Capital U.S. Government, 11.0% Barclays Capital U.S. Credit, 8.0% Citi Non-$ World Government Bond, 3.0% Citi 3-Month Treasury Bill, 10.0% DJ Wilshire REIT, and 5.0% S&P GS Commodity Indices. Balanced portfolio assumes annual rebalancing. Returns include reinvestment of dividends. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Conservative Allocation (T-Bills) Asset class returns sorted top to bottom, best to worst
Source: FocusPoint Solutions, Morningstar. The “balanced” portfolio assumes the following weights: 17.5% S&P 500, 7.5% Russell MidCap, 5.0% Russell 2000, 20.0% MSCI EAFE, 13.0% Barclays Capital U.S. Government, 11.0% Barclays Capital U.S. Credit, 8.0% Citi Non-$ World Government Bond, 3.0% Citi 3-Month Treasury Bill, 10.0% DJ Wilshire REIT, and 5.0% S&P GS Commodity Indices. Balanced portfolio assumes annual rebalancing. Returns include reinvestment of dividends. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Aggressive Allocation (Commodities) Asset class returns sorted top to bottom, best to worst
Source: FocusPoint Solutions, Morningstar. The “balanced” portfolio assumes the following weights: 17.5% S&P 500, 7.5% Russell MidCap, 5.0% Russell 2000, 20.0% MSCI EAFE, 13.0% Barclays Capital U.S. Government, 11.0% Barclays Capital U.S. Credit, 8.0% Citi Non-$ World Government Bond, 3.0% Citi 3-Month Treasury Bill, 10.0% DJ Wilshire REIT, and 5.0% S&P GS Commodity Indices. Balanced portfolio assumes annual rebalancing. Returns include reinvestment of dividends. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Moderate Allocation (Balanced) Asset class returns sorted top to bottom, best to worst