Strategies and policies to promote inclusive green economy learning Exemple of France with the case project “Houses of employment and sustainable development ” FIRST GLOBAL FORUM ON GREEN ECONOMY LEARNING Paris Thursday, 17th of december 2015 Thomas GAUDIN – Service Economie et Prospective- ADEME Henri Le Marois – Consultant- ALLIANCE VILLES EMPLOI
2 CO2 reductions and other long term (environmental) targets Targets’s memory 6 Think -Observation (CO2 reductions, implementation of environmental policies and measures, green jobs, unemployment and skills gaps, green business opportunities…) -Prospective and Evaluation (ex post and ex ante, macro-economics included ) 1-8 Decide or reinforce clear environmental targets 7 Dialogs between public and private perspectives: - short term (economy), - medium term (employment and skills) and - long term (education, environment) 2 Mobilization (sectorial and territorial) 3 Sharing anticipations (with sectorial and territorial dialogs) 4 Plans and projects (sectorial and territorial) Reducing skills gap Getting jobs opportunities Paris 2015, COP21 5 Memorise Reporting results and process How turning the « green wheel »?
3 CO2 reductions and other long term (environmental) targets Targets’s memory 6 Think -Observation (CO2 reductions, implementation of environmental policies and measures, green jobs, unemployment and skills gaps, green business opportunities…) -Prospective and Evaluation (ex post and ex ante, macro-economics included ) 1-8 Decide or reinforce clear environmental targets 7 Dialogs between public and private perspectives: - short term (economy), - medium term (employment and skills) and - long term (education, environment) 2 Mobilization (sectorial and territorial) 3 Sharing anticipations (with sectorial and territorial dialogs) 4 Plans and projects (sectorial and territorial) Reducing skills gap Getting jobs opportunities Paris 2015, COP21 5 Memorise Reporting results and process How turning the « green wheel »? « House of employment and sustainable development »
4 Challenge Build up skills in the construction sector in order to meet the qualitative and quantitative goals of the energy transition Principle of action Act at local level with all the stakeholders Share clear environmental objectives Action « build up skills in the construction sector»
5 Methodology Phase 1 - Mobilization of all the stakeholders (local authorities, building owners, enterprises, trainers ….) Phase 2 - Sharing diagnosis and anticipations Phase 3 - Building a joint action plan Phase 4 - Implementation of the action plan Organisation Co-organisers National – Alliance Villes Emploi and ADEME Local - Employment Houses and ADEME regional offices The Employment Houses : Local organisations chaired by a local politician (Mayor, chair person of local authorities), and which has for members local authorities, the State, the Employment agency, and local actors. Act as « catalyst », and « animator ». Alliance Villes Emploi is the national organisation of the Employment Houses. Action « build up skills in the construction sector»
6 Action « build up skills in the construction sector» : impact 43 territories stakeholders mobilized 500 actions implemented in the main following fields : Access to employment Information Training Organization of the market (demand and offer) Shared « culture » and understanding of the challenges of the energy transition Development of a « work together » spirit
7 Action « build up skills in the construction sector» : lessons learned The objectives of the energy transition will not be reached if the skills of the labour force are not improved. Local territories is a very good place to anticipate jobs and skills needs It is necessary to have a local « animator » who mobilize and organize the stakeholders. This « animator » must have the competencies and the legitimacy to fill his role. A shared prospective diagnosis, done with all the stakeholders prior to the action plan, is a must. Responsibilities and tasks have to be clearly shared between the stakeholders.
8 CO2 reductions and other long term (environmental) targets Targets’s memory 6 Think -Observation (CO2 reductions, implementation of environmental policies and measures, green jobs, unemployment and skills gaps, green business opportunities…) -Prospective and Evaluation (ex post and ex ante, macro-economics included ) 1-8 Decide or reinforce clear environmental targets 7 Dialogs between public and private perspectives: - short term (economy), - medium term (employment and skills) and - long term (education, environment) 2 Mobilization (sectorial and territorial) 3 Sharing anticipations (with sectorial and territorial dialogs) 4 Plans and projects (sectorial and territorial) Reducing skills gap Getting jobs opportunities Paris 2015, COP21 5 Memorise Reporting results and process Where green economy learning is turning the « green wheel »?
Thank you Thomas Gaudin – ADEME Henri Le Marois – Alliance Villes Emploi