The little monster goes to the dentist
There once was a very good little monster named Jillian who, like all good little monsters, did not like to brush her teeth. Most nights she would use her toothbrush to clean out her belly button lint for her ‘Show and Tell’ at school. What day should Jillian take her lint to school if she wants to show off the biggest piece? Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
One morning at breakfast her mother announced that Jillian would be going to the dentist. Jillian did not want to go, she was afraid of the dentist. She had heard scary stories about how the dentist cleans your teeth! All those snacks between her teeth that she was saving for later were goners!
She had heard horror stories of fresh minty breath, squeaky clean canines and healthy pink gums! We should always use mouthwash, a toothbrush and floss to keep our breath fresh, our teeth clean and our gums healthy.
On the way to the dentist, Jillian tried to get her teeth as dirty as possible in the hopes that the dentist would never be able to get them clean! She used her hairbrush, paintbrush and even her handy toilet brush. She never even thought to use her toothbrush on her teeth, how disgusting! Of the three brushes, which is the ONLY one we should ever use on ourselves?
Jillian could not sit still in the waiting room! She was bouncing off the walls!
When Jillian saw the dentist, she let out a huge sigh of relief…he was a monster too!
The dentist told Jillian her teeth were the best he had seen all day! He told her to eat lots of sugary sweets, snack between meals and never, ever brush her teeth with those silly, little toothbrushes! Little human boys and girls need to eat healthy snacks and always use a toothbrush!
CREDITS Jillian would like to give a special thanks to: The monster of Frankenstein for helping with her story!