What duties will Space Ambassadors perform? The primary duty of Professional Space Ambassadors will be to deliver the Space Ambassadors presentation to audiences in their local communities, particularly in schools. The presentation will communicate the benefits of space research and exploration, as well as the experience of spaceflight.
What are the goals of the program? The goals of the program are to communicate the benefits of space exploration to our daily lives, and to inspire and educate young people to pursue careers in science, engineering, and mathematics. We wish to inspire a new generation of leaders to take an active role in helping to create the future they wish to see come to pass.
How will you conduct the selection process for the spaceflight? The selection process will be determined during a study phase anticipated to last up to four months. Space Ambassadors contributions to the success of the program will be evaluated based on the quality, quantity, enthusiasm projected, ability to engage audiences, and their motivation for participation. Metrics will be established for each specified criteria and will be evolved to meet the needs of the program as new resources become available. The intention is to grow both the number and diversity of educational opportunities available to program participants.
When will the Virgin Galactic spaceflight occur? NSS expects to fly the Space Ambassador in the first 18 months of commercial operation of Virgin Galactic.
When will the Zero-G Flights occur? Zero-G runs flights on an ongoing scheduled basis and assignments will be made based on availability of flight slots and program results.
When will the NASTAR training occur? NASTAR runs training program on an ongoing scheduled basis and assignments will be made based on training slot availability and program results.
How many applicants do you anticipate? While we cannot predict the number of potential applicants, the Space Ambassadors Program has over 3700 applicants as of ISDC 2009.
How many Space Ambassadors will be selected? The program does not have a formal ceiling, and the presentation opportunities that each Space Ambassador develops and the resulting evaluations is up to the individual.
Will NSS set up speaking engagements for its Space Ambassadors? The Space Ambassadors will be responsible for setting up their own speaking engagements.
How will each Space Ambassadors presentation be evaluated? Each Space Ambassador is responsible for registering their upcoming presentation event with the program via the secure website. The sponsors for each Space Ambassadors presentation/event will be asked to provide the initial evaluation of the presentation and the audience response. The evaluations will be collected via a secure website accessible to each program participant and sponsors that are responding to a registered event code.
Program Guidelines (1) Each program participant is responsible for accurately reporting their efforts and discharging their assigned responsibilities in a professional manner. (2) Failure to do so will result in the immediate disqualification from the program. (3) It is anticipated that final assignment in this phase of the program will be made at ISDC (4) The Space Ambassadors Program reserves the right to specify additional guidelines to provide for the efficient and effective administration of the program. (5) Officers of the Space Ambassadors Program, NSS management directly responsible for oversight of the program, and paid staff of the National Space Society are not eligible for program assignments.