Biomedical Research Methods Biomedical Technology Unit 10.02
Chemical, Mechanical, Mathematical, and Computer Simulations Strengths of models Limitations of models
In Vitro Tests “In Glass” Takes place in an artificial environment Strengths of in vitro studies Limitations of in vitro studies
Non-human Models Animals provide the best known surrogate for humans in the lab Similarities between animals and humans outweigh differences Strengths of animal models Limitations of animal models
Human Studies Most often used in developing prescription drugs Three major phases of clinical trials After clinical trials Strengths of clinical trials Actual human data Limitations of clinical trials
Epidemiological Studies Experimental epidemiology Descriptive Observational Information gathering occurs after the fact
Epidemiological Studies They do not demonstrate a direct cause and effect, but instead show a statistically significant association between exposure and disease Strengths of epidemiological studies Limitations of epidemiological studies