2 Introduction Programmes are designed to be completed in five years (9 to 10 semesters). Maximum candidature is six years. Double Degree Programmes BEng(Hons) / BABEng(Hons) / BBA BEng(Hons) / BSocSci(Hons); orBEng(Hons) / BBA(Hons); or Eng + EconsEng + Bizad
3 Objectives – DDP (Engin & Bizad) This programme aims to provide students with high quality professional engineering education and necessary business skills & knowledge (organizational behaviour, finance, accounting, marketing, economics, business law, etc). Double Degree Programmes This combination of engineering and business skills will produce a new breed of business-savvy engineers in the marketplace.
4 Objectives – DDP (Engin & Econs) Engineering & Economics are complementary both in their intellectual tools and in their objects of study! Double Degree Programmes Engineering – innovative and creative application of mathematical and scientific principles to the creation of products, technology and services for the good of humanity Economics – optimal choice and combinations of such systems for the achievement of maximum wealth given the society’s limited resources
5 Curriculum Structure: BEng (Hons) & BBA (Hons) / BSocSci in Econs (Hons) (Table A1 / Table A2)Table A1 Table A2 Double Degree Programmes
6 Curriculum Structure: BEng (Hons) & BBA / BA with Econs major (Table B1 / Table B2)Table B1Table B2 Double Degree Programmes
7 Grading and Degree Classification for BEng(Hons)/BBA(Hons) Separate computation of CAP for each degree BEng(Hons) Degree: 86 MCs (Engineering Programme Requirements) + 36 MCs (common modules) + 12 MCs (University Level Requirement modules) = 134 MCs BBA (Hons) Degree: 68 MCs (Business Modules) + 36 MCs (common modules) + 12 MCs (University Level Requirement modules) = 116 MCs Double Degree Programmes
8 Grading and Degree Classification for BEng(Hons)/BBA Separate computation of CAP for each degree BEng(Hons) Degree: 94 MCs (Engineering Programme Requirements) + 28 MCs (common modules) + 12 MCs (University Level Requirement modules) = 134 MCs BBA Degree: 52 MCs (Business Modules) + 28 MCs (common modules) + 12 MCs (University Level Requirement modules) = 92 MCs Double Degree Programmes
9 Grading and Degree Classification for BEng(Hons)/BSocSci(Hons) in Economics Separate computation of CAP for each degree BEng(Hons) Degree: 82 MCs (Engineering Programme Requirements) + 40 MCs (common modules) + 12 MCs (University Level Requirement) = 134 MCs BSocSci (Hons) Degree: 68 MCs (Economics Requirements) + 40 MCs (common modules) + 12 MCs (University Level Requirement modules) = 120 MCs Double Degree Programmes
10 Grading and Degree Classification for BEng(Hons)/BA major in Economics Separate computation of CAP for each degree BEng(Hons) Degree: 98 MCs (Engineering Programme Requirements) + 24 MCs (common modules) + 12 MCs (University Level Requirement modules) = 134 MCs BA Degree: 48 MCs (Economics Modules) + 24 MCs (common modules) + 12 MCs (University Level Requirement modules) = 84 MCs Double Degree Programmes
11 Exit Students can choose to leave the programme or Students are required to leave if they fail to meet the requirement of 4.0 CAP for primary degree. Coordination 2 staff members from each faculty to serve on a Joint Engin and Biz/Econs Committee to coordinate the programme. Double Degree Programmes
12 Year 1 Schedule (recommended) BEng(Hons) in Chemical Engrg / BBA(Hons) Double Degree Programmes Semester 1 (Total MCs = = 20) MA1505 Mathematics I (4 MCs) MLE1101 Introductory Materials Science and Engineering (4 MCs) EG1413 Critical Thinking and Writing or ES2002 Business Communication or a USP Writing & Critical Thinking module * (4 MCs) MKT1003 Principles of Marketing (4 MCs) BSP1005 Managerial Economics (4 MCs) Semester 2 (Total MCs = = 20) MA1506 Mathematics II (4 MCs) CN1111 Chemical Engineering Principles (4 MCs) CM1502 General and Physical Chemistry for Engineers (4 MCs) IT1005 Introduction to Programming with Matlab (replaces IT1801) * (4 MCs) FNA1002 Financial Accounting (4 MCs) * Common module that also satisfies Business Foundation Module requirements.
13 Year 1 Schedule (recommended) BEng(Hons) in Chemical Engrg / BSocSci(Hons) in Economics Double Degree Programmes Semester 1 (Total MCs = = 20) MA1505 Mathematics I (4 MCs) MLE1101 Introductory Materials Science and Engineering (4 MCs) EG1413 Critical Thinking and Writing (4 MCs) General Education (GEM) or Singapore Studies (SSM) module EC1101E Introduction to Economic Analysis (4 MCs) or its equivalent EC1301 Semester 2 (Total MCs = = 20) MA1506 Mathematics II (4 MCs) CN1111 Chemical Engineering Principles (4 MCs) CM1502 General and Physical Chemistry for Engineers (4 MCs) IT1005 Introduction to Programming with Matlab (4 MCs) EC2101 Microeconomic Analysis I (4 MCs) or EC2102 Macroeconomic Analysis I (4 MCs)
14 Year 1 Schedule (recommended) BEng(Hons) - Computer Engrg / BBA(Hons) Double Degree Programmes Semester 1 (Total MCs = = 19) MA1505 Mathematics I (4 MCs) PC1432 Physics IIE (recommended ULR) (4 MCs) EG1108 Electrical Engineering (3 MCs) CS1101C Programming Methodology (replaces IT1801) * (4 MCs) MKT1003 Principles of Marketing (4 MCs) Semester 2 (Total MCs = = 20) MA1506 Mathematics II (4 MCs) PC1432 Physics IIE (4 MCs) MLE1101 Introductory Materials Science & Engineering (4 MCs) CS1102C Data Structures and Algorithms (4 MCs) FNA1002 Financial Accounting (4 MCs) * Common module that also satisfies Business Foundation Module requirements.
15 Year 1 Schedule (recommended) BEng(Hons) - Computer Engrg / BSocSci(Hons) in Economics Double Degree Programmes Semester 1 (Total MCs = = 19) MA1505 Mathematics I (4 MCs) PC1432 Physics IIE (recommended ULR) (4 MCs) EG1108 Electrical Engineering (3 MCs) CS1101C Programming Methodology (replaces IT1801) * (4 MCs) EC1101E Introduction to Economic Analysis (4 MCs) or its equivalent EC1301 Semester 2 (Total MCs = = 20) MA1506 Mathematics II (4 MCs) PC1432 Physics IIE (4 MCs) MLE1101 Introductory Materials Science & Engineering (4 MCs) CS1102C Data Structures and Algorithms (4 MCs) EC2101 Microeconomic Analysis I (4 MCs) or EC2102 Macroeconomic Analysis I (4 MCs) * Common module that also satisfies Business Foundation Module requirements.
16 Year 1 Schedule (recommended) BEng(Hons) - Electrical Engrg / BBA(Hons) Double Degree Programmes Semester 1 (Total MCs = = 19) MA1505 Mathematics I (4 MCs) PC1431 Physics IE (recommended ULR) (4 MCs) EG1108 Electrical Engineering (3 MCs) CS1101C Programming Methodology (replaces IT1801) * (4 MCs) MKT1003 Principles of Marketing (4 MCs) Semester 2 (Total MCs = = 20) MA1506 Mathematics II (4 MCs) PC1432 Physics IIE (4 MCs) MLE1101 Introductory Materials Science & Engineering (4 MCs) CS1102C Data Structures and Algorithms (4 MCs) FNA1002 Financial Accounting (4 MCs) * Common module that also satisfies Business Foundation Module requirements.
17 Year 1 Schedule (recommended) BEng(Hons) - Electrical Engrg / BSocSci(Hons) in Economics Double Degree Programmes Semester 1 (Total MCs = = 19) MA1505 Mathematics I (4 MCs) PC1431 Physics IE (recommended ULR) (4 MCs) EG1108 Electrical Engineering (3 MCs) CS1101C Programming Methodology (replaces IT1801) * (4 MCs) EC1101E Introduction to Economic Analysis (4 MCs) or its equivalent EC1301 Semester 2 (Total MCs = = 20) MA1506 Mathematics II (4 MCs) PC1432 Physics IIE (4 MCs) MLE1101 Introductory Materials Science & Engineering (4 MCs) CS1102C Data Structures and Algorithms (4 MCs) EC2101 Microeconomic Analysis I (4 MCs) or EC2102 Macroeconomic Analysis I (4 MCs) * Common module that also satisfies Business Foundation Module requirements.
18 Year 1 Schedule (recommended) BEng(Hons) in Ind Sys Engrg / BBA (Hons) Double Degree Programmes * Common module satisfying requirements in both programmes. Semester 1 (Total MCs = = 19) MA1505 Mathematics I (4 MCs) PC1431 Physics IE / PC1432 Physics IIE / MLE1101 Introductory Materials Science & Engineering (4 MCs) EG1108 Electrical Engineering/Cross Engineering Technical Modules (3 MCs) CS1101C Programming Methodology (replaces IT1801) * (4 MCs) MKT1003 Principles of Marketing (4 MCs) Semester 2 (Total MCs = = 23) MA1506 Mathematics II (4 MCs) ULR Breadth: level-1000 Physics module* (4 MCs) EG1109 Statics and Mechanics of Materials/ Cross Engineering Technical Modules (3 MCs) FNA1002 Financial Accounting (4 MCs) BSP1004 Legal Environment of Business (4 MCs) BSP1005 Managerial Economics (4 MCs)
19 Year 1 Schedule (recommended) BEng(Hons) in Ind Sys Engrg / BSocSci(Hons) in Economics Double Degree Programmes Semester 1 (Total MCs = = 19) MA1505 Mathematics I (4 MCs) PC1431 Physics IE / PC1432 Physics IIE / MLE1101 Introductory Materials Science & Engineering (4 MCs) EG1108 Electrical Engineering/Cross Engineering Technical Modules (3 MCs) CS1101C Programming Methodology (replaces IT1801) * (4 MCs) EC1101E Introduction to Economic Analysis (4 MCs) or its equivalent EC1301 Semester 2 (Total MCs = = 23) MA1506 Mathematics II (4 MCs) ULR Breadth: level-1000 Physics module* (4 MCs) EG1109 Statics and Mechanics of Materials/ Cross Engineering Technical Modules (3 MCs) General Education (GEM) or Singapore Studies (SSM) module (4 MCs) EC2101 Microeconomic Analysis I (4 MCs) EC2102 Macroeconomic Analysis I (4 MCs)
20 Year 1 Schedule (recommended) BEng(Hons) - Mechanical Engng / BBA(Hons) Double Degree Programmes Semester 1 (Total MCs = = 19) MA1505 Mathematics I (4 MCs) PC1431 Physics IE (4 MCs) EG1108 Electrical Engineering (3 MCs) CS1101C Programming Methodology (4 MCs) MKT1003 Principles of Marketing (4 MCs) Semester 2 (Total MCs = = 19 MA1506 Mathematics II (4 MCs) MLE1101 Introductory Materials Science and Engineering (4 MCs) EG1413 Critical Thinking and Writing (4 MCs) EG1109 Statics & Mechanics of Materials (3 MCs) FNA1002 Financial Accounting (4 MCs)
21 Year 1 Schedule (recommended) BEng(Hons) - Mechanical Engng / BSocSci(Hons) in Economics Double Degree Programmes Semester 1 (Total MCs = = 19) MA1505 Mathematics I (4 MCs) PC1431 Physics IE (4 MCs) EG1108 Electrical Engineering (3 MCs) CS1101C Programming Methodology (4 MCs) EC1101E Introduction to Economic Analysis (4 MCs) or its equivalent EC1301 Semester 2 (Total MCs = = 19) MA1506 Mathematics II (4 MCs) MLE1101 Introductory Materials Science and Engineering (4 MCs) EG1413 Critical Thinking and Writing (4 MCs) EG1109 Statics & Mechanics of Materials (3 MCs) EC2101 Microeconomic Analysis I (4 MCs) or EC2102 Macroeconomic Analysis I (4 MCs)
22 Year 1 Schedule (recommended) BEng(Hons) - ENG1 / BBA(Hons) Double Degree Programmes Semester 1 (Total MCs = = 23) MA1505 Mathematics I (4 MCs) PC1431 Physics IE (4 MCs) MLE1101 Introductory Materials Science and Engineering (4 MCs) EG1413 Critical Thinking and Writing (4 MCs) EG1109 Statics & Mechanics of Materials (3 MCs) MKT1003 Principles of Marketing (4 MCs) Semester 2 (Total MCs = = 23) MA1506 Mathematics II (4 MCs) PC1432 Physics IIE (4 MCs) CS1101C Programming Methodology (4 MCs) EG1108 Electrical Engineering (3 MCs) FNA1002 Financial Accounting (4 MCs) BSP1005 Managerial Economics (4 MCs)
23 Year 1 Schedule (recommended) BEng(Hons) - ENG1 / BSocSci(Hons) in Economics Double Degree Programmes Semester 1 (Total MCs = = 23) MA1505 Mathematics I (4 MCs) PC1431 Physics IE (4 MCs) MLE1101 Introductory Materials Science and Engineering (4 MCs) EG1413 Critical Thinking and Writing (4 MCs) EG1109 Statics & Mechanics of Materials (3 MCs) EC1101E Introduction to Economic Analysis (4 MCs) or its equivalent EC1301 Semester 2 (Total MCs = = 23) MA1506 Mathematics II (4 MCs) PC1432 Physics IIE (4 MCs) CS1101C Programming Methodology (4 MCs) EG1108 Electrical Engineering (3 MCs) EC2101 Microeconomic Analysis I (4 MCs) EC2102 Macroeconomic Analysis I (4 MCs)
24 List of Economics Modules: Double Degree Programmes EC (Hons) 64MC which includes: EC1101E (4) EC2101(4) EC2102(4) EC3101(4) EC3102(4) EC3303(4) EC3304 (4) EC4101(4) EC4102(4) At least 20MC at level-3000 At least 20MC at level-4000
25 IMPORTANT NOTES: All Engineering modules will be pre-allocated according to the recommended schedules for Semesters 1 & 2 (i.e. no bidding via CORS is required) Detailed recommended schedules will be posted via the respective DDP websites: Eng + Bizad: Eng + Econs: For enquiry, please Double Degree Programmes
26 Q uestions ? Double Degree Programmes
Table A1: Proposed Curriculum for the Double Degree in BEng(Hons) & BBA (Hons) Degree RequirementsBBA(Hons) ProgramBEng(Hons) ProgramBEng(Hons)/ BBA(Hons) Program (A) University Level RequirementsTotal 28 MCs Total 12 MCs GEMs8 MCs Singapore Studies4 MCs Breadth16 MCs Exempted under DDP Structure (B) Business Program RequirementsTotal 104 MCsTotal 68 MCs Foundation Modules56 MCs36 MCs (+20 MCs of common modules) (See Table C for the list of Foundation Modules that constitute the 36 MCs)Table C Honors Thesis12 MCs Essential Modules (Specialization Modules)16 MCs Restricted Modules (Business modules; at least 8 MCs at level 4000) 20 MCs 4 MCs (+16 MCs of common modules) (C) Engineering Program RequirementsTotal 120 MCsTotal 86MCs Engineering Modules (Common Engineering modules, Discipline Core modules, Elective modules, Projects & FYP Thesis) 86 MCs (+ 34MCs of common modules that map to compulsory common engineering requirements & BEng discipline requirements) (D) Common ModulesTotal 36 MCs Five common modules (20 MCs) that constitute part of the business foundation modules. (Please see Table D-1 for details.) Table D-1 Four of the following modules (16 MCs): Minimum Two BEng Modules as shown in Table E-1 Minimum One BBA Modules as shown in Table E-1Table E-1 (E) Unrestricted Elective RequirementsTotal 28 MCsTotal 12 MCs(Exempted) Unrestricted Elective28 MCs12 MCsExempted under DDP Structure TOTAL160 MCs 202 MCs
28 Table A2-1: Proposed Curriculum for the Double Degree in BEng(Hons) & BSocSci (Hons) Degree RequirementsBSocSci (Hons) in Economics Programme BEng(Hons) Programme BEng/ BSocSci (Hons) in Economics Programme (A) University Level RequirementsTotal 28 MC Total 12 MC GEMs8 MC Singapore Studies4 MC Breadth16 MC Exempted under DDP Structure (B) FASS Programme RequirementsTotal 104 MCTotal 68 MC Faculty level-1000 Exposure modules (at least one from each Division outside the student’s major) 16 MC4 MC ( 12 MC of common modules) Single Major (Economics)88MC at least 24 MC of level EC modules and a 8 MC Honor Thesis 64 MC at least 20 MC at level 3000 and 20 MC at level 4000, including all BSocSci (Hons) Economics essential modules (28 MC of common modules) (C) Engineering Programme Requirements Total 120 MCTotal 82MC Engineering Modules (Common Engineering modules, Discipline Core modules, Elective modules, Projects & FYP Thesis) 82 MC (+ 40MC of common modules that map to compulsory common engineering requirements & BEng discipline requirements)
29 Table A2-2: Proposed Curriculum for the Double Degree in BEng(Hons) & BSocSci (Hons) Degree RequirementsBSocSci (Hons) in Economics Programme BEng(Hons) Programme BEng/ BSocSci (Hons) ) in Economics Programme (D) Common ModulesTotal 40 MC Four common modules (16 MC) that constitute part of the FASS requirements. (Please see Table D-2 for details.)Table D-2 24MC of the following modules: ONE Integrated Project XF4401 (16MC) involving FASS & FoE supervisors in relevant areas (e.g,. time series analysis, game theory, fuzzy logic systems, operations research, urban/transportation economics ) (maps to One FYP + electives) AND 8MC of electives : Any One BEng Module as shown in Table E Any One BA(Econs) Module as shown in Table ETable E (E) Unrestricted Elective Requirements Total 28 MCTotal 12 MC(Exempted) Unrestricted Elective28 MC12 MCExempted under DDP Structure TOTAL160 MC 202 MC
30 Table B1: Proposed Curriculum for the Double Degree in BEng(Hons) & BBA Degree RequirementsBBA ProgramBEng(Hons) Program BEng / BBA Hons Hons Program (A) University Level RequirementsTotal 20 MCsTotal 28 MCsTotal 12 MCs GEMs8 MCs Singapore Studies4 MCs Breadth8 MCs16 MCsExempted under DDP Structure (B) Business Program RequirementsTotal 80 MCsTotal 52 MCs Foundation Modules56 MCs36 MCs (+20 MCs of common modules) (See Table C for the list of Foundation Modules that constitute the 36 MCs)Table C Essential Modules (Specialization Modules)16 MCs Restricted Modules (Business Modules)8 MCs 0 MCs (+8 MCs of common modules) (C) Engineering Program RequirementsTotal 120 MCsTotal 94MCs Engineering Modules (Common Engineering modules, Discipline Core modules, Elective modules, Projects & FYP Thesis) 94 MCs (+ 26 MCs of common modules that map to compulsory common engineering requirements & BEng discipline requirements) (D) Common ModulesTotal 28 MCs Five common modules (20 MCs) that constitute part of the business foundation modules. (Please see Table D-1 for details.)Table D-1 Two of the following modules (8 MCs): One BEng Module as shown in Table E-1 One BBA Module as shown in Table E-1Table E-1 (E) Unrestricted Elective RequirementsTotal 20 MCsTotal 12 MCs(Exempted) Unrestricted Elective20 MCs12 MCsExempted under DDP Structure TOTAL120 MCs160 MCs186 MCs
31 Table B2-1: Proposed Curriculum for the Double Degree in BEng(Hons) & BA with Econs major Degree RequirementsBA with Economic major Programme BEng(Hons) Programme BEng(Hons)/BA with Econs major Programme (A) University Level RequirementsTotal 20 MCTotal 28 MCTotal 12 MC GEMs8 MC Singapore Studies4 MC Breadth8 MC16 MCExempted under DDP Structure (B) FASS Programme RequirementsTotal 72 MCTotal 48 MC Faculty level-1000 Exposure modules (at least one from each Division outside the student’s major) 16 MC4 MC ( 12 MC of common modules) Single Major (Economics)56 MC 44 MC (12 MC of common modules) (C) Engineering Programme Requirements Total 120 MCTotal 98MC Engineering Modules (Common Engineering modules, Discipline Core modules, Elective modules, Projects & FYP Thesis) 98 MC (+ 24MC of common modules that map to compulsory common engineering requirements & BEng discipline requirements)
32 Table B2-2: Proposed Curriculum for the Double Degree in BEng(Hons) & BA with Econs major Degree RequirementsBA with Economic major Programme BEng(Hons) Programme BEng(Hons)/BA with Econs major Programme (D) Common ModulesTotal 24 MC Four common modules (16 MC) that constitute part of the FASS requirements. (Please see Table D-2 for details.)Table D-2 8 MC of the following modules: Any One BEng Module as shown in Table E Any One BA(Econs) Module as shown in Table ETable ETable E (E) Unrestricted Elective RequirementsTotal 28 MCTotal 12 MC(Exempted) Unrestricted Elective28 MCExempted under DDP Structure TOTAL120 MC160 MC182 MC
33 Table C: List of 36 MCs of Compulsory Business Foundation Modules* Module CodeModule Title FNA1002Financial Accounting MKT1003Principles of Marketing BSP1004Legal Environment of Business BSP1005Managerial Economics BSP2001Macro & International Economic FNA2002Managerial Accounting DSC2003Management Science FNA2004Finance DSC2006Operations Management Should there be a change in the Business Foundation Modules in future, this list of 36 MCs’ worth of compulsory Business Foundation Modules may be changed accordingly. Table A1Table A1 Table B1Table B1
34 Table D1: List of 20 MCs of Common Modules that map to part of the Business Foundation Modules & Engineering Requirements** Module Title - CS1101C Programming Methodology (replaces IT1801 Programming for Business) - ES2002 Business Communication OR EG1413 Critical Thinking & Writing OR a USP Writing and Critical Thinking module - BSP2005 Asia Pacific Business & Society (replaces EG1415 Engineering Professionalism 3MC) - MNO1001 Management & Organization (replaces HR2002 Understanding Human Relations in the New Economy - ST1131/ST1131A Introduction to Statistics OR MA3501 Math. Methods in Engineering OR CN3421 Process Modelling & Numerical Simulation OR EE2012 Analytical Methods in ECE ** Should there be a change in the Business Foundation Modules in future, this list of 20 MCs’ worth of Business Foundation Modules may be changed accordingly. Table A1Table A1 Table B1Table B1
35 Table D2: List of 16 MC of Common Modules*, Contributing to FASS Requirements These 16 MC of common modules replace 14 MC in the BEng(Hons) Programme requirements. Module Title EG1413 Critical Thinking & Writing These three modules are accepted in lieu of the FASS Faculty exposure requirements. They involve some social science and some humanities. Students must also complete 4 MC of exposure modules from Asian Studies as part of the FASS requirements. PH2208 Applied Ethics (fulfils the FoE requirement for the 3MC EG1415 Engineering Professionalism*) SC2202 Sociology of Work OR SC1101E Making Sense of Society (fulfils the FoE requirement for the 3MC HR2002 Understanding Human Relations in the New Economy*) ST1131/ST1131A Introduction to Statistics OR MA3501 Math. Methods in Engineering OR CN3421 Process Modelling & Numerical Simulation OR EE2012 Analytical Methods in ECE To replace the essential module EC2303: Foundations of Econometrics. These modules are already alternative prerequisites for the later essential module EC3231: Econometrics I. Table A2-2Table A2-2 Table B2-2Table B2-2
36 Table E1: Common Modules in the BEng & BBA Double Degree program BEng modules***BBA modules*** CS4244 Knowledge Based Systems (anti-req : DSC3213 Strategic Information Sys) TP5026 Transportation Management & Policy TP5027 Transport & Freight Terminal Management IE2110 Operations Research I (anti-req: DSC3214 Introduction to Optimization) IE2130 Quality Engineering I (anti-req: DSC3219 Quality Management) IE4220 Supply Chain Modeling IE4240 Project Management BN1000 Independent Study (taken by level 3/4 students) CN4225 Project Engineering EE3001 Project (Technology Assessment) DSC3201 Supply Chain Management DSC3202 Purchasing & Materials Mgmt DSC3212 Internet Business Models DSC3213 Strategic Information Systems (anti- req: CS4244 Knowledge Based Systems) DSC3214 Introduction to Optimization (anti- req: IE2110 Operations Research I) DSC3215 Stochastic Models in Mgmt DSC3216 Forecasting for Managerial Decisions DSC3219 Quality Management (anti- req: IE2130 Quality Engineering I) DSC3220 Operations Planning & Scheduling DSC3221 Simulation Modeling for Informed Decision- Making FNA3101 Corporate Finance FNA3102 Investment Analysis BSP 4511 Industry & Competitive Analysis MNO 3301 Organization Behavior *** Subject to approval of student’s host Department. This list may be updated by the Faculty of Engineering and School of Business acting in concert. Table A1Table A1 Table B1Table B1
37 Table E2-1: BEng & BA modules that may be considered as common modules. BEng Progra mme BEng modules that can be counted towards BA- Economics major requirements* BA - Economics modules that can be counted towards BEng requirements* BioengineeringBN4301 Principles of Tissue Engineering (complements Health Economics) IE4240 Project Management EC3353 Health Economics I EC4353 Health Economics II EC4372 Technology & Innovation Chemical Engineering CN4225 Project Engineering CN4120 Design II (Health and environmental issues, cost estimation and economic analysis) CN4233 Environment, Regulatory … (Economics of the environment and regulation) EC3383 Environmental Economics EC3384 Resource and Energy Economics EC4372 Technology & Innovation EC4384 Resource and Energy Economics II EC5314 Time Series Analysis Civil EngineeringCE2184 Infrastructure & the Environment (complements Environmental Economics) CE3121 Transportation Engineering (complements Transport and Urban Economics) CE5603 Engineering Economics & Project Evaluation TP5026 Transportation Management & Policy TP5027 Transport & Freight Terminal Management EC3381 Urban Economics EC3382 Transport Economics I EC3383 Environmental Economics EC3384 Resource and Energy Economics I EC3385 Maritime and Shipping Economics EC4372 Technology & Innovation EC4382 Transport Economics II EC4384 Resource and Energy Economics II Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering EE3001 Project (Technology Assessment) EE4305 Introduction to Fuzzy/Neural Systems EE3505 Electrical Energy Systems (Energy and Resource economics, environmental economics) CS3233 Competitive Programming CS3243 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence CS4244 Knowledge Based Systems EC3384 Resource and Energy Economics I EC3311 Mathematical Economics I EC3312 Game Theory & Applications to Economics EC3322 Industrial Organisation I EC4311 Mathematical Economics II EC4313 Econometrics IV EC4322 Industrial Organization II EC4372 Technology & Innovation EC4384 Resource and Energy Economics II EC5314 Time Series Analysis EC5311 Mathematical Economics EC5324 Economics & Cost Benefit Analysis Table A2-2Table A2-2 Table B2-2Table B2-2
38 Table E2-2: BEng & BA modules that may be considered as common modules. *** This list may be updated by the FoE and FASS acting in concert. Changes will be proposed by the Coordinating Committee, and will require approval by each Faculty's curriculum committee BEng Programme BEng modules that can be counted towards BA-Economics major requirements* BA - Economics modules that can be counted towards BEng requirements* Environmental Engineering ESE2001 Environmental Processes (complements Environmental Economics) ESE3101 Solid & Hazardous Mgmt (complements Resource and Energy Economics I) ESE3201 Air Quality Management (complements Health Economics) ESE5901 Environmental Technology (complements Technology & Innovation) ESE5603 Pollution Minimization and Prevention (Complements Resource and Energy Economics II) EC3353 Health Economics I EC3383 Environmental Economics EC3384 Resource and Energy Economics I EC4353 Health Economics II EC4372 Technology & Innovation EC4384 Resource and Energy Economics II EC5324 Economics and Cost Benefit Analysis Industrial & Systems Engineering IE2110 Operations Research I IE2140 Engineering Economy (Financial management) IE4240 Project Management (benefit-cost analysis) IE4220 Supply Chain Modeling IE3120 Manufacturing Logistics IE4220 Supply Chain Modeling IE4242 Cost Analysis & Management EC3311 Mathematical Economics I EC3312 Game Theory & Applications to Economics EC3322 Industrial Organisation I EC4311 Mathematical Economics II EC4313 Econometrics IV EC4372 Technology & Innovation EC5311 Mathematical Economics EC5314 Time Series Analysis EC4322 Industrial Organization II EC5324 Economics & Cost Benefit Analysis Materials Science & Engineering MLE3103 Engineering Materials Design (Constrained Optimization) MLE3102 Environmental Aspects (Economics of corrosion) IE2110 Operations Research I EC4372 Technology & Innovation EC3384 Resource and Energy Economics I EC4384 Resource and Energy Economics II EC5324 Economics & Cost Benefit Analysis Mechanical Engineering ME2162 Manufacturing Processes (Cost of Production) ME4262 Automation in manufacturing (economic benefit-cost analysis of automation) EE4305 Introduction to Fuzzy/Neural Systems EC3322 Industrial Organisation I EC4372 Technology & Innovation EC4322 Industrial Organization II EC5324 Economics & Cost Benefit Analysis Table A2-2Table A2-2 Table B2-2Table B2-2