Why did Francisco lie about his grandfather’s experience? Think, Pair, Share H.O.T.S. Think, Pair, Share H.O.T.S.
Gardening 3.1.8e Connect to life experiences Things a gardener should do. not Things a gardener should not do.
Vocabulary (Choose 1 word and write it on an index card. Put it’s definition on the back.) excitement gardener motioned sadness shivered shocked slammed excitement gardener motioned sadness shivered shocked slammed Kagan Class-building We are going to play Quiz-Quiz-Trade Listen closely to directions.
Character-the people or animals in a story. Read “The Grasshopper and the Ant” pg. 175 characters Target Skill 3.1.spi.4 Identify setting, characters, and plot in a reading selection. What does the character say?What does the character do? Visualize what you think the character is like “Ant, What are you doing working in the hot summer sun?” “I can’t be bothered about winter in the middle of summer! Sat in the shade and chirped. Grasshopper sat under a bush with no food. I think grasshopper is lazy!
Complete PB 63 Character concept chart