16 November Intermediate: Unit 5 Vincent Van Gogh Tense Buster: Simple Past (1)


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Presentation transcript:

16 November Intermediate: Unit 5 Vincent Van Gogh Tense Buster: Simple Past (1)

請先下載檔案到桌面上 1)ant mp3 2)ant ppt

Topic Sentence and Content

Topic Sentences

共同瀏覽網頁:跟讀練習 Topic Sentence

共同瀏覽網頁:跟讀 Tense Buster: Simple Past : Practice: a story

跟讀: Simple Past: Making Questions

Listening Exercises: Fables Transcription Exercise: The Ant and the Grasshopper Transcription Exercise: The Lion and the Mouse

Listening Task 請下載 antmp3 檔案 Transcription Exercise: The Ant and the Grasshopper 注意聽動詞時態 注意聽字尾 -ed, -s, -ing 注意聽名詞多數 s 注意聽連在一起的字 注意聽念輕的字

While a grasshopper was taking it easy in the shade one hot summer’s day, an ant struggled in the sun with a grain of rice that he was carrying to his nest. ‘Hey, Mr. Ant,’ the grasshopper said, ‘ Why don’t you take it easy like me, you can work tomorrow.’ The ant paused. ‘I am saving up food now for the cold winter ahead. And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll do the same,’ he said. Three or four months later, winter came and it was very cold. While the ant was snug in his nest, the starving grasshopper shivered under a pile of dead leaves and wished he’d paid attention to the ant’s advice.

BBC Painting Flower van_gogh.shtml
