Traffic Safety Lt.Garry Scott Vermont State Police Traffic Safety Unit
Vermont State Police 327 Sworn members. 90 emergency dispatchers. Primary law enforcement for over 200 towns in Vermont. Cover 90% of the land mass. Cover over 50% of the population. Cover 90% of all 911 calls. 2
Divisions Field Force – 12 field stations and traffic safety unit. Criminal Division – Investigated major crimes. Support Services – Recruitment, training, technology, public information and internal affairs. 3
Mission Statement The mission of the Vermont State Police is to individually and collectively serve and protect by providing the highest quality of professional law enforcement services. 4
5 Objective of Traffic Safety Traffic Safety remains a core mission of the Vermont State Police. Through aggressive, high visibility enforcement, education and public awareness bags of heroin on I91 Fatal DUI crash Orange, VT
Traffic Safety There are three teams within the traffic safety unit - North, Central and South. The unit serves as the liaison with other traffic safety programs. GHSP, DMV, AOT, Dept. of Health, Fletcher Allen and the VHSA. Responsible for collecting and analyzing crash data. Oversee the various highway safety grants. 6
Traffic Education Drivers education classes. Private companies. High schools. Public events. 7
Operation CARE Combined Accident Reduction Effort All 50 states participate Holiday weekends 8
Drug Recognition Program DRE’s Trooper’s specially trained in the detection of drivers under the influence of drugs other than alcohol. 9
Training Experienced officers with a proven expertise in DWI detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing. The officer attends an intense 80 hour drug recognition course. The officer completes twelve evaluations involving at least three of the seven drug categories. The officer must pass a comprehensive examination. 10
12 Step Process Rule out alcohol impairment. Breath test. Interview arresting officer. Preliminary examination/take pulse 3x Eye examination Divided attention (Romberg, walk & turn, one leg stand, finger to nose.) Vital signs (BP, Body temp) Dark room exam Muscle tone Injection sites Statements, observations Opinion Toxicology 12
Crash Reconstruction 14 members on the team. Members have more than 280 hours of classroom training. Respond to more than 50 serious injury/fatal crashes each year. Support local and county police. 13
Equipment Total Station Diagramming software Diagrams Crash Math Calculations Animation – 2D and 3D Accelerometer Acceleration and Deceleration Factors Crash Data Retrieval (CDR) Hardware and Software 14
What are we working on? Older driver/diminished cognitive ability assessment/training program for Law Enforcement.(VSP, DMV & VPA) Expected 85% increase in people over the age of 65 by DMV’s re-examination process. Continued partnership with Vtrans for road safety. Legislative updates.(Drugged driving, seatbelts, distracted/aggresive driving) 15
Questions Lieutenant Garry Scott Vermont State Police Traffic Operations Unit Crash Reconstruction Team 2777 St. George Rd Williston, VT (802) (w) (802) © 16