GCRC Dinamap Senior Design Project John Dlugokecki Steven Searcy Robbie Rutherford Arif Mohd Zahari November 20, 2008
Project Clarifications The potential “security” issue was with open vs. closed ports (95/98 vs. XP) DLL from GE solves this problem We will be using Windows XP We will be using GE’s DLL to create an application Mr. Orozco has already started this
Hardware selection Our sponsor has given us freedom to choose appropriate hardware Most important requirement is that the system works reliably We will determine a solution that is as cheap as possible but still effective
ProCare/Laptop station Carlos has suggested a smaller laptop (10-12”) to fit on the rack with the ProCare
Software Requirements resetMonitor function must be called each time a new patient is connected to monitor this clears the old saved data User must be warned not to connect multiple monitors or any other device to the same PC Confirmation step should be added that allows end user to confirm that correct values are transferred from monitor
Software Requirements Host system must provide anti-virus software to prevent malicious or unintended interference Must use Windows XP or 2000
Testing with GE Sample App Established communication with Dinamap ProCare using GE’s sample app Experimented with ProCare’s functions and interface, taking BP readings Application needs to be running before measurement is taken in order to collect data from Dinamap Only most recent measurement is returned with getState function Taking a manual measurement starts a new cycle
XML string from getState General Electric Healthcare Pro/Procare blood_pressure
Next Steps Build on Mr. Orozco’s source code to develop new application Find an effective hardware solution Determine how to integrate laptop into Dinamap stand