Numbers Fractions We have been working with familiar fractions like But what about a fraction where the top number, the numerator, is more than the lower number, the denominator? and
Numbers Fractions Take this fraction What does it mean? With the fraction it means that there are “4 of 7” This is called an Improper Fraction
Numbers Fractions This fraction says that there are: there are 3 lots of 5 in the 15 (3x5=15) = = of 5
Numbers Fractions Lets look at a few examples to be sure we understand this: = 3 How many times does 6 go into 18? How many times does 11 go into 22? = 2
Numbers Fractions But what happens when the denominator does not divide into the numerator evenly? = 3 How many times does 6 go into 19? How many remainders are there? How many times does 11 go into 27? How many remainders are there? =
Numbers Fractions We have been turning Improper Fractions into Mixed Fractions. How do we do the reverse? can be turned into 6 ths by multiplying 3 by 6 (18) and placing this on top of 6 3 x 6 =
Numbers Fractions Look at these examples: can be turned into 7 ths by multiplying 2 by 7 (14) and adding this to the 3 = can be turned into 3 rds by multiplying 4 by 3 (12) and adding this to the 2 = 14 3