Max-Planck- Institut für Plasmaphysik U. Schultz, Assembly- Technology Working package Port assembly 1 Working package Port assembly Uwe Schultz (in representation for Falk Kunkel)
Ports on W7-X / Port- Assembly Bridge and -Ramp Max-Planck- Institut für Plasmaphysik Unternehmung WENDELSTEIN 7-X U. Schultz, Assembly Technology2 Working package Port assembly Port Plasma vessel (PV) 299 Ports on W7-X Outer vessel (OV) Round Ports: 171 pieces in 13 sizes Oval Ports: 85 pieces in 10 sizes Rectangular Ports: 11 pieces in 1 size Standard Ports (267 pieces) Special Ports (32 pieces) - Complicated cross section or: - Port pipe irregularly shaped or: - Doubel port, combination of two individual ports (10 pieces)
Ports on W7-X / Port- Assembly Bridge and -Ramp Max-Planck- Institut für Plasmaphysik Unternehmung WENDELSTEIN 7-X U. Schultz, Assembly Technology3 Working package Port assembly 1000kg 400kg to 600kg 600kg Port- Position on W7-X - Ca. 20% of Ports are to be assembled from bottom - Ca. 20% of Ports are to be assembled from top - Ca. 20% of Ports are to be assembled from the inner side - Ca. 40% of Ports are to be assembled from the outer side
Ports on W7-X / Port- Assembly Bridge and -Ramp Max-Planck- Institut für Plasmaphysik Unternehmung WENDELSTEIN 7-X U. Schultz, Assembly Technology4 Working package Port assembly Internal tower, frame External tower, frame Cross-beam, frame Cross-beam, Platform in maximum position Internal tower, Platform in maximum position External tower, Platform in maximum position 360° +/-5° 2400mm 120° Rotation shaft Base assembly group function IV Translatory movement of carrier Rotation trajectory +/-1° Rotation basic component Horizontal plane Vertical y-z-plane Theoretical port vector KS I x; y; z Translatory movement of trajectory +/- X mm KS II x‘; y‘; z‘ Port-Assembly Ramp +/- 140mmBase assembly group functions I-III Port Assembly Bridge Rail system
Ports on W7-X / Port- Assembly Bridge and -Ramp Max-Planck- Institut für Plasmaphysik Unternehmung WENDELSTEIN 7-X U. Schultz, Assembly Technology5 Working package Port assembly Contour pick-up port assembly with dummy Uncut port Dummy head with 3D cut contour 3D cut port - Full penetration welds - Final measurement of port position Step VII Step VIStep V Step IIIStep IIStep I Step IV - Place port in final position - Measure this position - Tack weld port on PV and OV - Assembly of port in same mounting position as used for dummy - Check of port vector after assembly using laser references of torus hall and PV -3D Measurement of PV hole contour on paper from dummy head -Production of CAM data to cut 3D contour halfway inside wall of PV (-8.5mm contour shift) - 3D cut to required length for port - Disassembly of dummy - Disassembly of dummy head - Set up port vector from CAD data- Configuration check with PV hole - Final 3D measurement of flange plate - Marking of laser references in torus hall an PV - Scribing of hole contour on dummy head
Ports on W7-X / Port- Assembly Bridge and -Ramp Max-Planck- Institut für Plasmaphysik Unternehmung WENDELSTEIN 7-X U. Schultz, Assembly Technology6 Working package Port assembly Machine fundament (MF) Track curve segments on floor ceiling and base platform (inside MF) Module 5Base platform Module 5 on Assembly stand (AST) with travelling Port Assembly Bridge inside Torus hall Ceiling Port Assembly Bridge: Engineering structure consisting of Internal tower, External tower and Cross-beam Particular Platform (travelling and lockable) Bridge travels on Rail system, can be moved over module Track curve segments of Rail system are dismountable Rotational axis runs through Machine centre point
Ports on W7-X / Port- Assembly Bridge and -Ramp Max-Planck- Institut für Plasmaphysik Unternehmung WENDELSTEIN 7-X U. Schultz, Assembly Technology7 Working package Port assembly Status of Port- Assembly Ramp by AN/ Fantini (Okt. 2007)