1 Joint Learning Initiatives Tools for implementing reforms Christian Vergez Head of Division Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate OECD
New tools for cooperation 2 JOINT LEARNING INITIATIVES To respond to Arab country demand for increased cooperation To build on existing competencies and skills in Arab and OECD countries JOINT LEARNING ACTIVITIES JOINT LEARNING STUDIES
What are the Joint Learning Initiatives? 3 JOINT LEARNING INITIATIVES JOINT LEARNING ACTIVITIES JOINT LEARNING STUDIES Capacity building and technical knowledge WHAT Review and advice emerging from a process of mutual learning Specific topics related to identified GfD thematic priorities (e.g. ID-cards; managing conflict of interest, measuring red tape, performance-related pay schemes) FOCUS Specific area (electronic driving license, law drafting, articles of UNCAC) or whole system (e-gov, integrity framework, regulatory reform) Technical seminars animated by government experts FORM country study using a methodology adapted from the OECD
Pilot Joint Learning Study Integrity in Public Procurement in Morocco 4 Quality: Review methodology and analytical framework that build on OECD work on integrity in public procurement. Independence: Assessment and proposals for action are provided to Morocco by “peers”, government officials with practical experience in public procurement, with the support of the OECD Secretariat. A balanced approach : Perspectives from Arab and OECD countries with different systems are taken into account to provide a range of options for reform for the country being reviewed – Canada, Dubai/UAE and France. Joint Learning for country and peer reviewers: The reviewed country shares with other countries its experience and good practices. Countries participating in the review learn from the review country’s practices and approaches.
Examples of proposed Joint Learning Studies for E-government and administrative simplification Lebanon Electronic Driving LicenseMorocco Integrity in Public procurement (Article 9 of the UNCAC) Yemen, Palestinian National Authority Implementation of codes of conduct (Article 8 of the UNCAC) Jordan, Mauritania Preventive Anti-Corruption Bodies (Article 6 of the UNCAC) Egypt, Morocco
Questions for discussion 6 1.How Joint Learning Studies could be beneficial to support the implementation of reform in your country context? 2.How would you improve the Joint Learning Study methodology to take into account Arab country’s administrative development context? 3.What specific Joint Learning Initiative (including Joint Learning Activity and Joint Learning Study) your country would be interested in requesting and/or participating in?