Help!!! St James’ School Science Challenge Spring 2015
What has happened to the boy and the martian? The boy has an empty petrol tank. The martian has a broken engine! What are they going to do?
I’ll go back home and get the things we need to repair our machines! How will you get back safely? Your plane has run out of petrol!
Can you help? How will the boy land safely on the Earth when he jumps from the moon? Can you find the best things to use to help?
Some things to think about… HOW are you going to investigate the problem? What could you do? What equipment will you need? What will you measure? How will you record your findings for the Institute? What do you think will happen? What is your prediction and WHY?
Year R learning Objective taken from areas of Development Matters Observes the effects of activity on their bodies Experiments with different ways of moving. Explains own knowledge and understanding, and asks appropriate questions of others. Can select and use activities and resources with help. Can talk about some of the things they have observed such as plants, animals, natural and found objects. Talks about why things happen and how things work. Looks closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change.
Year 1 Learning To be able to observe closely, using simple equipment. To be able to ask simple questions and recognise they can be answered in different ways. To be able to perform simple tests. To be able to gather and record simple data in order to answer a question. To be able to make simple measurements with equipment. To be able to identify objects. To be able to record data in simple ways (table, Venn diagram, chart).
Year 2 Learning To be able to ask simple questions and recognise that they can be answered in different ways. To be able to use observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions. To be able to perform simple tests. To be able to use simple measurements to gather data. To be able to use simple secondary sources to find answers. To be able to talk about what they have found out and how they found it. To be able to notice relationships with help. To be able to observe closely using simple equipment. To be able to sort objects using observable features. To be able to record data (tally chart, flow diagram, bar chart)