Jeopardy People treatment Who says? Stuff GrabBag Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 She has a PhD in Psychology and treats mental disorders.
$100 Clinical Psychologist
$200 This old fossil constantly tries to probe your unconscious mind.
$200 psychoanalyst
$300 A psychiatrist attended this type of school.
$300 Medical School
$400 This type of psychotherapist works with couples and individuals with everyday problems, not mental illnesses.
$400 Counselor
$500 This type of psychologist works in the court system profiling criminals and determining fitness to stand trial?
$500 Forensic psychologists.
$100 Exposure paired with relaxation (as a form of treatment of phobias) is called _______?
$100 Systematic Desensitization
$200 Feeding a wolf poisoned lamb meat so the wolf won’t kill your sheep is an example of what type of treatment?
$200 Aversive conditioning
$300 Large groups of people (and young kids) are given rewards for proper behavior in this type of therapy.
$300 token economy
$400 This psychoanalytic technique requires the patient to strongly connect with the therapist in a way similar to a parent or other respected person.
$400 Transference
$500 This technique encourages a patient to say freely whatever comes to mind. The psychoanalyst interprets what is said as a key to the unconscious mind.
$500 Free Association
100 All people strive to self-actualize, maximize their potential.
$100 Abraham Maslow
200 I don’t know if the unconscious mind exists and I don’t care.
$200 Skinner and the Behaviorists
300 All clients need empathy and a client-centered therapy.
$300 Carl Rogers
$400 You are depressed because you are irrational. If you challenge your irrational thoughts, you won’t be depressed.
Albert Ellis (cognitive therapy)
500 A person’s dream is a form of wish fulfillment. Dreams are access to the unconscious mind.
$500 Sigmund Freud
$100 A synonym for “cognitive”
$100 thinking
$200 These slips of the tongue were thought to access the unconscious mind.
$200 Freudian slips
$300 This technique cures phobias via over- exposure.
400 Rogers’s technique for being a soundboard for the patient.
$400 reflective listening.
$500 These 3 methods of treatment use classical conditioning.
$500 Flooding, systematic desensitization, aversive conditioning
$100 This type of therapy is cheap and very effective.
$100 Group
$200 Drugs and surgery are known as these types of therapy.
$200 Biomedical
$300 Behaviorists focus on changing this about a person.
$300 Behaviors!
$400 This psychoanalytic goal has the patient strongly connect with the therapist as if the therapist were someone important.
$400 Transference
$500 Transference, hypnosis, dream analysis, free association try to access this.
$500 Unconscious Mind
Final Jeopardy
Final Jeopardy Answer Who is Tolstoy? (The book is Kingdom of God)