NATC-A NATO Air Training Command NATC-A NATO Air Training Command UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO NATO Air Training Command – Afghanistan / 438th Air Expeditionary.


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Presentation transcript:

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command NATC-A NATO Air Training Command UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO NATO Air Training Command – Afghanistan / 438th Air Expeditionary Wing NATO Air Training Command - Afghanistan (NATC-A) 438 Air Expeditionary Wing Khosh Amadee (خوش آمدید) NATC-A/CoS, L

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command NATC-A NATO Air Training Command BLUF: NATC-A Trajectory Will NOT Meet Established 2017 AAF Transition Milestones IAW ISAF OPLAN3802 and CSTC-A BASEORD CONCLUSION: Implement Interim Success Strategy To Deliver Professional, Independent, and Sustainable AAF Significant Operational Flying vs. Training Imbalance Significant Pressure to Reduce Expenditures and BOG Requirements Underproduction of AAF Maintenance Personnel Logistics and Supply Inefficiencies Degrade System Development 4 Main Challenges NATC-A/CoS, K,

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command ISS 14 UNCLASSIFIED NATC-A Story Road Map Level I Original Path to 31 Dec 2017 Level II Unpacking Level 1: Defining System Challenges Level III Interim Success Strategy 2014 NATC-A/CoS, A, The Problem 3

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command Net NATO Growth Needed to Accomplish Emerging Missions = 70% I: NATC-A Story – The Original Path to 31 Dec 2017 Increasing AAF System Scope to 2015 UNCLASSIFIED NATC-A/CoS, L Increasing Coalition Footprint Dynamic Resource Requirement Complex Capability Integration Integration of Diverse Capabilities Must Be Sustainable Shindand 6 / 6 x C-182T 5 / 6 x MD-530F 7 / 10 x Mi / 14 x C-208B 0 / 10 x A-29 Herat 2 / 2 x Mi-17 Kandahar 6 / 6 x Mi-17 8 / 8 x C-208B 0 /10 x A-29 Mazar-e-Sharif 2 / 2 x Mi-17 Jalalabad 0 / 0 x Mi-17 Kabul 9 / 18 x Mi-17 5 / 0 x Mi-35 6 / 6 x C-208B 2 / 4 x C-130 AAF Fleet Increasing 40% in High Threat Environment Focus on Organic Sustainment in Constrained Fiscal Situation SMW Airframes PC-12 (0/18; 18 remain) Mi-17 (0/30; 30 remain) 10 Mi-17s are on loan to SMW 3 On Loan to Presidential ASFF Budget (millions $) Capability DOTMLPF Pax/cargo CASEVAC / HR Air assault Presidential Civil support Air interdiction Close air / combat attack Close air support Escort / overwatch Route recon Area recon Air Movement Aerial Fires Aerial Recon Capability integrated Capability not integrated; plans in place; in progress Capability not integrated; plans not in place or not in progress CapabilityDOTMLPF Air base defense QRF Law enforcement Materiel mgt. Distribution mgt. Maintenance BOS-I Air threat analysis Aerial imagery C2 and Comm Intel US TAA Contract sustainment and TAA Add C-130 Add A-29 Transition Mi-17 and C-208 CF TAA Sustain. FP *Does not include BOS-I Organic maintenance critical to future AAF affordability 1114 NATC-A growing to help AAF integrate complex, sustainable, and affordable capabilities AAF Airframe Deliveries Mi-17 (52 / 58) 6 - Oct 13 C-130H (2 / 4) 2 – Late 14 A-29 (0 / 20) 2 / month Sep 14 – Jun Chicago Summit: ANSF of 228.5K (8K AAF) and $4.1B National Budget, with Afghanistan fully funding ANSF in PERSONNEL (IAW OPLAN 3802 & NTMA/CSTC-A BASEORD)

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command ISS 14 UNCLASSIFIED NATC-A Story Road Map Level I Original Path to 31 Dec 2017 Level II Unpacking Level 1: Defining System Challenges Level III Interim Success Strategy 2014 NATC-A/CoS, A, The Problem 5

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command II.1: Increasing System Scope UNCLASSIFIED NATC-A/CoS, L, Literacy and English exacerbates a 47% developed training pipeline Complete Construction Planning Total Build Complete $577.6M $398M (69%) Kandahar AW $108.5M 99% Shindand AB $116.6M 48% Herat Det $17.7M 20% MeS Det $19.2M 67% Kabul AW $260.0M 83% Jalalabad Det $16.3M 5% FARRPS (5) $39.3M 6% 1 Operational Reach AAF Training Pipeline Availability Projected Recruiting Deficit of approx 1000 personnel AAF Manpower and Assigned Personnel AAF 93 % Manned 2013 AAF 87% Manned /8 1/1 1/2 1 20/79 30/109 Specialties Available 3 Air Wings 3 FOBs 5 FAARPs 2 Contract Fuel CANCELLED Key enablers are required for AAF expansion across countryEssential construction for 11 locations is 69% complete Concurrent To Operational Capability Expansion, Key AAF Enablers Are Still Under Development

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command FOC or Full Capacity NVG Mi-17 AIR ASSAULT CASEVAC/HR ARMED ESCORT FWD FIRING CLOSE AIR ATTACK ALO ATAC NIGHT OPS AIR TRANSPORT AIRDROP CASEVAC/HR C-208 NTISR A-29 Source Selection Pilot / Mx Training A/C Delivery 2/month IOC 1Q13 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q14 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q15 2Q15 //// Mi-35 ATAC AIR ASSAULT C-IDF/RECCE ARMED OVERWATCH CLOSE AIR ATTACK INTERDICTION ALO C-130 Pilot Training 2x A/C 4x A/C & CLS Mx in place FE / LM Training IOC PC-12 (SMW) Pilot Training A/C Delivery 1/month First Sqn IOC FOC 3Q2015 Operational Discipline is the Key to AAF Independence II.2: Complex Capability Integration UNCLASSIFIED NATC-A/CoS, K, Air Command and Control Operational Capability Development Doctrinal Development The Restoration of A Proud Historical Legacy AAF Led C2 & Doctrine must be Firmly Entrenched for 2017 Transition Doctrinal Development Proceeds Capability Enhancement AAF Led And Coalition Coached Development Is The Key To Success AAF Organizational History

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command Kabul – 438 AEAG Contractor- 38 Kabul – 438 AEAG Contractor- 38 Personnel Deficits Equal Systemic Capability Degradation & Added Risk II.3: Increasing Coalition Footprint Requirement UNCLASSIFIED NATC-A/CoS, K, Afghan Air Force Capability Growth NATO Contributions and Subscription Deficit NATO and Security Force Contributions Vital Enabler to AAF Expansion 659 Coalition & Contract Personnel Growing to 1114 by 2015 Additional AAF Capability Requires Specific NATO Skillsets LAS FOC NLT 2020 C-208 AAF A/C Comd Mi-35 Kinetic AAF Capability Milestones 2 x C-130 C-130 IOC C-130 FOC NLT 2020 First ATAC/ALO Mi :1 Crew/AC ratio C :1 Crew/AC ratio C :1 Crew/AC ratio 2017 AAF IOC Mission Aircrew Aircraft Close Air Attack A-29 IOC 2 x A-29 / month Shindand – 838 AEAG Contractor- 88 Shindand – 838 AEAG Contractor Herat – 838 AEAG Det Jalalabad – 438 AEAG Det 1 5 Contractor- 1 Jalalabad – 438 AEAG Det 1 5 Contractor- 1 Kabul – 738 AEAS (PeH) Contractor- 11 Kabul – 738 AEAS (PeH) Contractor Kandahar – 738 AEAG Contractor- 20 Kandahar – 738 AEAG Contractor MeS – 438 AEAG Det 3 Contractor-2 MeS – 438 AEAG Det 3 Contractor Kabul – 438 AEAG Contractor- 38 Kabul – 438 AEAG Contractor- 38 NATC-A US – 321 ∙ Contractor – 193 Coalition – 145 (14 Nations) Total Personnel – 659 NATC-A US – 321 ∙ Contractor – 193 Coalition – 145 (14 Nations) Total Personnel – 659 CAO: 16 JUL Kabul – 438 AEAG Contractor- 38 Kabul – 438 AEAG Contractor- 38 NATC-A Personnel Assigned – Q Kabul – 438 AEW Contractor- 33 Kabul – 438 AEW Contractor Capability POMFLDT Pax/cargo CASEVAC / HR Air assault Presidential Civil support Air interdiction Close air / combat attack Close air support Escort / overwatch Route recon Area recon CapabilityPOMFLDT Air base defense QRF Law enforcement Materiel mgt. Distribution mgt. Maintenance BOS-I Air threat analysis Aerial imagery C2 and Comm Sustainable Future Capability integrated Capability not integrated; plans in place; in progress Capability not integrated; plans not in place or not in progress Jul-Dec 13 Jan-Jul 14 Jul-Dec 14 Security Force Guardian Angel Force Protection Force Protection manning gaps further degrade advisor mission Amidst Coalition Drawdown Net NATO Growth Is Essential To Introduce New AAF Capability

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command Rapidly Rising CLS Costs Pose Significant Risk to Strategy II.4: Dynamic Resource Requirement UNCLASSIFIED NATC-A/CoS, K, Significant Out-year Expenditures Sustainable Future Funding Level Essential to Sustain and Train AAF Any Reduction in Planned Funding Equals Wholesale Capability Loss Autonomous AAF Resource Management Total $867M Lack of AAF Budget & Contract Authority Threatens Sustainability Current AAF Budget (FY13) Capability DOTMLPF Pax/cargo CASEVAC / HR Air assault Presidential Civil support Air interdiction Close air / combat attack Close air support Escort / overwatch Route recon Area recon CapabilityDOTMLPF Air base defense QRF Law enforcement Materiel mgt. Distribution mgt. Maintenance BOS-I Air threat analysis Aerial imagery C2 and Comm FP Intel Sustain. Long Term Fiscal Commitment And A Robust AAF Financial System Essential For Capability Sustainment

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command Individual Crew Position Production Limits Mi-17 Crew Production II.5: Operations Divergence Impacts Crew Production Mi-17 Operations vs. Training Divergence UNCLASSIFIED NATC-A/CoS, K, Crew Member Production Mi-17 Operations Focus Outpaces Training Requirement 208 Training Provides Preferred Capability for Operations Growing Operations vs. Training Imbalance Imperils ISAF Training Milestones Dec - 12Mar - 13Jun - 13 Training Ops Mi-17 Crew Production Mi-17 Crew Production Not Enough for Self-Sufficiency *Does Not Include Shindand Program Projected Crew Build Actual Crew Build Short 46 Mi-17 Crews Hours Crews C-208 Operations vs. Training Divergence Ops Training Hours *Does Not Include Shindand

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command For Same Flight Hours, Mi-17 Phase Days are 7 Times Higher II.6: Maintenance Imbalance Consuming Mi-17 Fleet Mi-17 Utilization UNCLASSIFIED Phase Days vs. Flight Hours Mi-17 Compared to Reference US Airframes Increased UTE/Decreased Service LifeNumber of Phase Docks and Personnel UTE Limited By Physical Space Increasing UTE Creates Training Capability Gap Each Increase of 2 UTE Decreases Service Life Six Months Currently Six Docks Available Real Estate Limits Capacity at 8 Docks Optimal UTE Mi-17 Ops Utilization Outpaces Service Life Requirements and Impacts ISAF End-State Goals NATC-A/CoS, F, UTE Hours Docks Hours Phase Days 11

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command ISS 14 UNCLASSIFIED NATC-A Story Road Map Level I Original Path to 31 Dec 2017 Level II Unpacking Level 1: Defining System Challenges Level III Interim Success Strategy 2014 NATC-A/CoS, A, The Problem 12

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command Reduced Growth & TAA Consolidation Accomplishes Emerging Mission III.1: NATC-A Interim Success Strategy 2014 Shifting AAF System Scope to Consolidate Scope UNCLASSIFIED Constrained Coalition FootprintDecreasing Resource Availability Complex Capability Integration with Limitations Planned Capability Limitations Enable Sustainable AAF Shindand 6 / 6 x C-182T 5 / 6 x MD-530F 7 / 12 x Mi / 14 x C-208B 0 / 20 x A-29 Herat 2 / 2 x Mi-17 Kandahar 6 / 6 x Mi-17 8 / 6 x C-208B Mazar-e-Sharif 2 / 2 x Mi-17 Jalalabad 0 / 0 x Mi-17 AAF Airframe Deliveries Mi-17 (52 / 58) 6 - Oct 13 C-130H (2 / 4) 2 – Late 14 A-29 (0 / 20) 2 / month Sep 14 – Jun 15 Kabul 9 / 16 x Mi-17 5 / 0 x Mi-35 6 / 6 x C-208B 2 / 4 x C-130 TAA Consolidation / Asset Reallocation Saves BOG & Cost Induced Fiscal Cap Limits Capability Development For Affordable AAF SMW Airframes PC-12 (0/18; 18 remain) Mi-17 (0/30; 30 remain) 10 Mi-17s are on loan to SMW 3 On Loan to Presidential Delivering Combat Capability Faster at a Lower Cost by 31 Dec 2014 Capability DOTMLPF Air Movement Pax/cargo CASEVAC / HR Air assault Presidential Civil support Aerial Fires Air interdiction ATAC Close air / Combat Attack LAS Mi35/Mi17 Escort / O’watch Mi35 ALO Recce Aerial Recon Capability integrated Capability not integrated; plans in place; in progress Capability not integrated; plans not in place or not in progress CapabilityDOTMLPF FP Air Base Defense QRF CID Sustainment Materiel Mgt. Distribution Mgt. Maintenance BOS-I Medical Services Personnel Pgms Recruiting Resource Mgmt Intel Air Threat Analysis Aerial Imagery C2 Comm NATC-A/CoS, L ASFF Budget (millions $) Predicted AAF Budget Cap

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command III.1.1: Interim Success Strategy 2014 Assumptions UNCLASSIFIED Future ConsiderationsAreas of Simplification Complex Capability Integration with Limitations Planned Capability Limitations Enable Sustainable AAF Capability DOTMLPF Air Movement Pax/cargo CASEVAC / HR Air assault Presidential Civil support Aerial Fires Air interdiction ATAC Close air / Combat Attack LAS Mi35/Mi17 Escort / O’watch Mi35 ALO Recce Aerial Recon Capability integrated Capability not integrated; plans in place; in progress Capability not integrated; plans not in place or not in progress CapabilityDOTMLPF FP Air Base Defense QRF CID Sustainment Materiel Mgt. Distribution Mgt. Maintenance BOS-I Medical Services Personnel Pgms Recruiting Resource Mgmt Intel Air Threat Analysis Aerial Imagery C2 Comm NATC-A/CoS, K, Literate AAF workforce Shindand ATC solution in-place Latest Tashkil signed and enacted ATAC course fully vetted and approved for 1Q14 start date Autonomous resource management by ANSF post 2014 ALOs receive additional training to get full mission capability includes development of comprehensive training plan now to Dec 2014 All TTPs for A-29 completed along with pilot training syllabi Infrastructure projects complete to support LAS training LAS AAF student pilots sourced for 1 st training class training starts before Dec LAS aircraft at Shindand by end of 2014 – includes weapons, CLS and spares Construction of C-130 hangar approved C-130 aircrew and maintainers receive initial training in CONUS All C-130 aircraft delivered and all qualified leadership in place by 2014 PC-12 Pilot production SMW begins 1 Nov 2013 SMW returns 10x Mi-17s to AAF on schedule SMW Mi-17 Pilot production begins 1 Jan 2014 Camp Estelle relocation completes on IJC schedule before assumption of BOSI Future Mi-35 service life terminates 1 Jan 2016 Current trajectory of AAF annual budget unsustainable Need to establish critical path for recruitment of ANSF forces Additional equipment /materials needed to sustain communications capability Communications build-out for all ANSF facilities must be completed Financial/contracting automation tools for financial reporting and contract execution must be developed TAA Mission at Detachments and Kandahar terminated 31 Dec 2014 All 20 LAS bed-down at Shindand LAS Pilot production occurs outside Afghanistan AAF will conduct all personnel actions post 2014 All maintenance manuals for Mi-17/C-208 will be translated to Dari No C-130 airdrop (medium airlift capability only) or C-208 night ops No Mi-17 forward firing requirement Reduction in crew ratio requirement for all fleets by 4Q2014 English language requirements for maintainers decreased to 30% 2x Mi-17 night ops crews in AAF No C-208 Night Ops Refine C2 doctrine to increase operational efficiency of all assets

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command NATC-A NATO Air Training Command ACTION: Implement Interim Success Strategy for 2014 To Deliver Professional, Independent, and Sustainable AAF Significant Operational Flying vs. Training Imbalance Simplify Capability Development / Increase FHP Discipline Significant Pressure to Reduce Expenditures and BOG Requirements Reduce Resource and Personnel Requirements through Efficiencies Underproduction of AAF Maintenance Personnel Modify English Training, Simplify Sustainment and Train the Trainers Logistics and Supply Inefficiencies Degrade System Development Maximize Phase Flow and Improve Supply System Four Main Challenges

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command C2 Improvements Key to Required AAF Operational DisciplineSimplification of Milestones Enables Self-Sustaining Crew FG Mandated Training Utilization Essential to Achieve 2014 Crews C2 Areas of Improvement (ACCC)AAF Capability Scope Reduction Percentage of Required Mi-17 Aircrews Way Forward Refine Command and Control ANSF process for tasking and asset usage clarified via cipher from MoD/MoI ACCC empowered to dynamically retask, prioritize missions and coord IJC Assets Maximize Training Resources and Effort Temporary Order of Instructors to Shindand and MeS Concentrate Green Flight Training at MeS Maximize Contract Airlift Period to Shore-Up Training Requirements Strict compliance with Flight Hour Program and Trg/Ops Hour Splits 16 hours UTE for Mi-17 Increase efficiency of C-208 operational usage Fence off Shindand Aircraft from Operational Use 60/40 ops/training split compliance III.2: Increasing Aircrew Personnel Production A Sustainable AAF is Still Achievable with Discipline and HHQ Support NATC-A/CoS, K, Simplifying Capability Development and Increasing Operational Discipline Aircrew Required for Sustainable AAF -60/40 Ops/Trg hour usage 0% 50% 100% -Increase # a/c and instructors at Shindand & MeS -Achievement of accelerated objectives is predicated on maintaining the 60/40 Ops / Trg split as per the approved flying program. -Current 80/20 Ops / Trg hour usage is unacceptable 16 UNCLASSIFIED

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command Reduce CLS through EfficienciesSimplify Contracts While Delivering Core Capabilities Establish Primary Ops and Primary Training Bases Way Forward III.3: Significant Pressure to Reduce Resources Establish Critical Path for Resource Conservation NATC-A/CoS, K, Simplifying Capability Development and Increasing Discipline FOB Rollup Contract ConsolidationBending the Iron Mountain Shindand Herat Kandahar MES JBAD Kabul Shindand Kabul - Self-sustainment must include plan to reduce CLS costs - Implement required training for core airpower capabilities - Effective management, documentation, and consolidation - COR must reside in the AOR - Reduce number of FOBs in theater and consolidate assets -TAA mission at detachments & KAB terminated EOY Explore Contract/Asset Right-Sizing Efficiencies - Establish Joint Training Base West and Joint Operations Base East - All 20 LAS beddown at Shindand UNCLASSIFIED

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command 5-yr Growth for English Language & Technical ProficiencyBuilding a Qualified Maintenance Workforce 50/50 ELTC Split = FOC Dec 2021 Maintainer Training Pyramid 5 years Projected Qualification and FOC FOC IOC 50% 30% Way Forward -Translate tech manuals into Dari to reduce ELTC requirement -Shrinks training timeline by ~1.5 yrs -Reduce ELTC to 30% (Lvl 1 only) -Reduces ELTC demand 40; speeds up FOC by 1.5 yrs -BOS-I savings (Fac, SECFOR, MDG/MSG) -Gain Lvl 3 & 2 Mx capability sooner -Those showing aptitude diverted to ELTC - Train the Trainers – Implement CSS model - Simplify and standardize AAF mx training - Establish minimum level of mx instructors for specific MOS and disciplines - Establish standardized requirements for training - Logically connect piece-meal efforts & eliminate irrelevant initiatives III.4: Increasing Maintenance Personnel Production Dari manuals + 30% ELTC=Success NATC-A/CoS, K, of 1370 assigned to Tashkil currently in ELTC 0 Personnel qualified in Level 3 to date Cohesive Maintenance Training Program AAFPEHCLS Logically connect piecemeal efforts Eliminate irrelevant and duplicate initiatives DLI Shortening the Path to Sustainment OJT UNCLASSIFIED

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command Improve CLS & Organic System IntegrationAnalyze and Refine Existing Processes 12 Days Down to 3 Way Ahead III.5 Improving Logistics System Performance Consistently Reinforce Process Improvements Across the AAF NATC-A/CoS, K, Process Improvements Supply System EnhancementsMOD 14 Process Improvement - Enable Afghan accountability for improved logistics performance - Mod 14 process enhancements - Use coalition model as baseline for AAF contract management - Prioritize parts procurement for supply system enhancements - Benchmark proven processes to open choke points - Focus on lean logistics and modify CLS contracts to consolidate mission sets – incentivize contractors for max level of effort - Establish success criteria and metrics for performance - Continue A4/J4 Logistics Road Show for Wings/Groups - Enhance relationship with ISAF Logistics Pillar: Mr. Johns - Must consistently reinforce and disseminate process improvements across the AAF logistics complex 1. Define 2. Measure 3. Analyze 4. Improve 5. Control Current phase too long 12 day process Choke pointsSpeed velocity Implement fleet wide Implement Processes To Drive Logistics Efficiencies MOD 14 UNCLASSIFIED

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command III.6: NATC-A Final Glidepath to Success NATC-A/CoS, L, Current TrajectoryISS2014 (31Dec2014)OPLAN3802 (31Dec2017) 31Dec Dec * Mx Craftsman 0 0 ( 89) 0 (89) 0 (89) Mx Journeyman 0 0 (226) Mx Apprentice (137) Mi-17 Crews C-208 Crews * (#) = # of Mx Personnel In Upgrade in that Category [1:1 Crew Ratio][1:1.5 Crew Ratio] ISS14 Modified Current A-29 US Shindand Changes* Ops vs. Training UNCLASSIFIED

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command NATC-A NATO Air Training Command NATC-A/CoS, K, For More Information, Contact: NATC-A Command Staff KAIA/NATC-A APO AE DSN Check out the NATC-A Story at the following links or connect via the QR Codes Below:

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command Cost and BOG savings Sustainment $72.48M Training $15.05M C-130 PoR 4 A/C FY13-19 C A/C FY13-19 Equipment $32.41M Notional Cost Savings $119.94M BOG Requirement 83 - BOG Savings of 12 - Avoids additional 19 RFF positions BOG Savings - If the remaining two C-130's are cancelled *Chart is not to Scale $ Millions FY13FY14FY15FY16FY17FY18FY19 Annual Savings UNCLASSIFIED

NATC-A NATO Air Training Command Cost and BOG savings Sustainment $11.9M Training $ 41M A-29 Original Plan FY14-18 A-29 CONUS Option FY14-18 Equipment -$6.9M Notional Cost Savings $46M BOG Requirement BOG Savings of 119 for initial beddown - BOG offset internally for ’16 SAB beddown BOG Savings - If A-29 trng conducted in CONUS and 2016 SAB Beddown *Chart is not to Scale $ MillionsFY14FY15FY16FY17FY18 Annual Savings UNCLASSIFIED