X-Ray Box Imran Awan Experimental High Energy Physics November 12, 2015
Introduction Idea is to make X-Ray box at NCP which will be used for the testing of the GE1/1 detector Looking for two different materials Al and Cu for cost estimation Six doors (Cu or Al hinges) Support Structure (Cu or Al) Sheet Area with 2mm thickness (Cu or Al) November 12, 2015 Imran Awan\Meeting on NCP-CERN GEM Project 2
Dimensions SurfacesLengthWidthThicknessMaterialDoors (Length X Width) Top (closed) Cu Bottom (closed) Al GE1/1 Side (open and closed) Cu2 (1500 X 500) Source Side (open and closed) Cu2 (1500 X 500) Filter Side (closed) Cu Filter Side (Open and closed) Cu2 (1500 X 500) Equidistant from Edges BaseBlack Plastic Door HingesCu or Al Support StructureAl November 12, 2015 Imran Awan\Meeting on NCP-CERN GEM Project **Scale = mm 3
Schematic November 12, 2015 Imran Awan\Meeting on NCP-CERN GEM Project 4
Update and Outline No literature or twiki link is found for the information regarding X-Ray box Pre-requisites for the commissioning Hazards Safety Measures Cost estimation November 12, 2015 Imran Awan\Meeting on NCP-CERN GEM Project 5
Pre-requisites for commissioning Careful room planning Pre Installation Installation – Equipment should be easily accessible – Flow of cooling air without restriction – The floor or the plate form has to be levelled with a required load capacity – Avoid equipment from the direct solar exposure – Storage Area for keeping work related things November 12, 2015 Imran Awan\Meeting on NCP-CERN GEM Project 6
Hazards Mechanical Hazards – Personal injury and damage exist while moving mechanical components Radiation Hazards – X-Rays are highly ionizing radiation – Exposure to radiation lead to lethal diseases Electrical Hazards – Risk of electrical shocks – High voltage exist in the system (Several Thousand Volts) November 12, 2015 Imran Awan\Meeting on NCP-CERN GEM Project 7
Safety First X-ray radiations are dangerous. Protection from X-Ray is high priority. To control the human exposure and to provide the adequate level of protection is necessary. Through out the work the operator must remember the dangerous nature of X-Ray in mind. November 12, 2015 Imran Awan\Meeting on NCP-CERN GEM Project 8
Safety First Protective wears of Pb equivalent for particular task – Apron – Gloves – For medical purposes it is of 0.25 to 0.5mm of Pb equivalent for Apron and Gloves respectively – Glasses and Visors for eye protection Should be away and behind the protective screen of X-Ray beam (Collimated to area of interest) All doors of X-Ray room should be closed before making an exposure. November 12, 2015 Imran Awan\Meeting on NCP-CERN GEM Project 9
Safety First Dosimetres may be used while working with X-Ray source. Visible light indicator must be used during working. Caution X ray symbol should be posted in the area containing X-Ray equipment. Similar postings regarding safety should be posted. November 12, 2015 Imran Awan\Meeting on NCP-CERN GEM Project 10
Summary Must be taken into account of Safety First. A safety procedure must be designed. Cost estimation is underway with copper material. Budget is not enough/available. X-Ray box must function like a Safety Box while in use. November 12, 2015 Imran Awan\Meeting on NCP-CERN GEM Project 11
Thank You November 12, 2015 Imran Awan\Meeting on NCP-CERN GEM Project 12