WELCOME to Hayes Class of 2020!!!
Principal Mr. Ric Stranges
Assistant Principals Mr. Rex Reeder Dr. Adonis Bolden
Counselors Mrs. Jessica Scott Freshman Counselor
Grades Counselors Mr. Matt Brown (A-G)Miss Heather Smith (H-O) Miss Megan Burwinkel (P-Z)Mrs. Leigh Conant – College and Career
A Day at Hayes 7 Class Periods Lunch/House School Hours are: 7:25 – 2:30 PeriodTimeMinutes 1 st 7:25-8: nd 8:19-9: rd 9:09-9: th 9:59-10: th 10:50-11: th 11:26-11: th 12:04-12: th 12:52-1: th 1:42-2:3046
House What is House? Teams of students Presentations, Announcements, Grade Checks Flex vs. Advisory – Grades can determine placement
Graduation Requirements English4 credits Math4 credits – Must complete Alg 2 Science3 credits Social Studies3 credits Health½ credit Physical Educ.½ credit (Two – ¼ credits or waivers) Fine Arts1 credit Electives5 credits or 5.5 credits if PE waivers used An elective credit can include additional core credits.
Graduation Requirements End of Course Exams Earn a cumulative passing score on seven end-of- course exams: English 9, English 10, Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology, U.S. History, Government OR Industry and Workforce Credentials OR Qualifying Score on College Admission Test
Diploma with Honors (Subject to Change, “ Honors ” level courses are not required to qualify) Extra Upper Level Science Credit Extra Social Studies Credit 3 Foreign Language Credits *3.5 unweighted GPA through all 4 years *Score of 27 on ACT or 1210 on SAT *Only one of these categories may be dropped.
GPA Ranking Course grades are based on + / - scale Cumulative GPA is based on every grade earned starting in 9 th grade! A %4.0 A93-97%4.0 A-90-92%3.7 B+88-89%3.3 B83-87%3.0 B-80-82%2.7 C+78-79%2.3 C73-77%2.0 C-70-72%1.7 D+68-69%1.3 D63-67%1.0 D-60-62%.7 F0-59%0
Physical Education Waiver Two COMPLETED Seasons of: OHSAA Sponsored Sport Or Two COMPLETED Years of: Marching Band or AFJROTC You may NOT combine one PE course and one waiver. Sports may be combined or years skipped. Waivers will be automatically added to transcripts.
Eligibility for Sports/Activities 1.5 GPA for the quarter preceding season Must be passing 5 courses (PE does not count toward the 5 courses) Fall sports will be dependent on quarter 4 of 8 th grade year Winter sports based upon quarters 1 and 2 – it all counts from the very first day!
Introduction to Art Exemption 8 th grade students who completed Art at Dempsey will be eligible for exemption from the requirement to take Intro to Art This will be based on recommendation from Dempsey art teacher Student may then advance to upper level art courses No credit for Intro to Art is earned
Study Hall Students may choose to take a traditional Study Hall in addition to House. Is recommended for students who do not have time after school to work on homework (due to athletics or extra-curriculars). There is no credit value awarded to a Study Hall but this will NOT put students behind on credits.
Drop Policy Students will only be able to drop courses ONE time during their high school career without penalty after the first two weeks of the start of a course. A “W” indicating Withdrawal from the course will be entered on the transcript. This does not affect the GPA. All courses dropped after this option is used, will result in an ‘F’ for the final grade. This will be entered on the transcript and will affect the GPA.
Course Selection
Semester Year Long > Semester 4 CORE: English Math Science Social Studies 3 ELECTIVES (Example): +
Course Selection Sheets Recommendations are not final Put Requests into Power School Turn in to Ms. Ziegler by Friday February 5 th !
Applications Due when you come to schedule with me Applications can be found on the Counseling page of the Hayes website 9 th grade classes that require applications: Spanish 1 or French 1 – Google Form Student Tech Trainers
Online Scheduling Please do this BEFORE you turn in your sheets to Ms. Ziegler Instructions are in your packet along with course request form
Scheduling Online
Course Description Books Sent to you by Ms. Ziegler via Has descriptions of classes, graduation requirements, College Credit Plus information, and MORE!!!
Dates to Remember January 28 th parent/student Hayes 6:00pm Course request forms are due February 4 th to Mrs. Ziegler! Mrs. Scott will be back at Dempsey on February 8 th -19 th to schedule in classes.
X Today 6pm Hayes
X X Course Selection Sheets Due to Ms. Ziegler Make Sure Requests are in Power School Mrs. Scott at Dempsey to go over requests..
Any requests to change course selections must be submitted to Mrs. Scott by June 5 th. Students may only make ONE request to change their schedule. (Multiple changes can be made in this one request.) Students will only be able to change course requests to the alternate courses that are originally submitted to the counselor. Changes
Overview of Steps Get materials today Come to Hayes on Jan. 28 th for parent meeting Fill out Scheduling Request form Go to Power School account to add requests Fill out any applications you need Turn in Request Form to Ms. Ziegler Meet with me in the first two weeks of Feb. to finalize schedule!
Connect with Me! Remind: to Website:
Thank you for listening!