chapter 7 Planning and Decision Making
Planning Planning is the process of creating a direction for one or more parts of the organization. The purposes of planning include the following: –To achieve the organization’s vision –To enhance efficiency and effectiveness –To deal with change –To be proactive
Six Types of Plans 1.Strategic plans 2.Master plans 3.Business plans 4.Marketing plans 5.Recreation program plans 6.Technology plans
Strategic Plans Strategic plans are used for envisioning a future state for an organization. These plans cover a three- to five-year time frame. Strategic plans should answer three questions: 1. Are we doing the right things? 2. Are we doing things right? 3. What should we do next?
Strategic Planning Model
Master Plans Master plans focus on planning for land, facilities, and natural resources, whereas the strategic plan focuses on the entire organization. Why should an agency create a master plan? –Allows for public input –Assists in the application and acquisition of grants for development –Assists in the establishment of a capital improvement plan –Helps preserve and protect historical, ecological, and environmental areas
Four-Step Master Planning Process 1.Survey and analysis 2.Development of strategies and policies 3.Implementation 4.Monitoring and evaluation
Business Plans A business plan documents how a business venture is operated. Why should an agency create a business plan? –Serves as a blueprint for business success by drawing attention to how a business operates –Serves as a document to attract and inform potential investors and other stakeholders
Business Plan: Key Elements Executive summary General company description Products and services Marketing plan Operational plan Management and organization description Financial statement Financial plan
Marketing Plans Marketing plans tend to be more short term than the previous plans (two to five years). Similar in process to the other plans, these plans focus on the marketing function of an organization. Common elements include the following: –Executive summary –Customer analysis –Marketing issues and strategies –Implementation and control
Recreation Program Plans A recreation program plan follows a similar format as described for other plans. Focus is on the provision of recreation programs and services. Public input is a key feature in all planning but takes on even greater significance in recreation program plans.
Technology Plans The technology plan should be a component of the strategic plan. Steps include: 1.Assemble a planning team. 2.Examine values, vision, and mission. 3.Assess current technology infrastructure. 4.Identify new technology solutions. 5.Develop strategies, time lines, and costs. 6.Understand and involve end users. 7.Assess effectiveness. 8.Make adjustments by repeating the process.
Ways to Get Public Input Advisory boards Community surveys Focus groups Web surveys Public meetings Nonuser surveys
Problem Solving and Decision Making Problem solving is determining solutions to a discrepancy between a desired state and a current reality. Decision making is choosing between two or more alternatives.
Types of Decisions Decisions fall on a continuum from programmed decisions to nonprogrammed decisions. Programmed decisions are routine decisions that managers make, often spelled out in policies, procedures, or rules. Nonprogrammed decisions are more challenging because they are often unique situations requiring a unique resolution.
Decision-Making Process
Ethical Decision Making Ethics are principles of behavior encompassing goodness, fairness, and doing what is right.
Ethical Decision-Making Approaches Utilitarian approach: Make the decision that results in the greatest good for the greatest number. Moral approach: Do what is right regardless of the consequences. Universalism approach: Consider how a decision affects everyone else and then put yourself in place of the affected person. Cost–benefit approach: Examine the costs and benefits of a decision to arrive at a solution.