John Dyer Business & Technology Strategist TERENA ASPIRE Project Manager TF-MSP February 2013 ASPIRE Foresight Study


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Presentation transcript:

John Dyer Business & Technology Strategist TERENA ASPIRE Project Manager TF-MSP February 2013 ASPIRE Foresight Study

The ASPIRE Project ›A Foresight Study to explore the Prospects for the Internet in Research and Education Funded from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ ) under grant agreement n° ›Four Expert Panels ›On-line Surveys ›Interviews with Community Visionaries ›Visits to commercial partners ›2 ASPIRE Workshops ›Electronic Publication of 4 Topic Reports ›FINAL ASPIRE REPORT – December 2012 Slide 2

Published 2 September

Contributors Slide 4 cloudsmobilitydatanrens

Recommendations on Clouds ›Users: consuming the public cloud: aggregating demand, vendor management and cloud brokering; ›producing community clouds: business cases; ›connecting the clouds, by means of collaboration infrastructures and federations; ›At EU level: legal issues; standardisation, and interoperability Slide 5

Recommendations on Data & Middleware ›Collaborate with user communities to fully understand networking requirements ›Define standardised datasets, metadata, middleware and applications ›Globally recognised AAI ›Create common process to certify and authenticate data. ›Common policies and procedures for data curation and preservation. Slide 6

Recommendations on Mobile Services ›Prepare for rapid increase in the demand for mobile connectivity (BYODs) ›Work with Commercial providers to explore innovative solutions for the integration of Wi-Fi and LTE ›Make use of mobile device sensors for innovative location dependent federated access to learning resources. Slide 7

Recommendations on Future Roles for NRENs ›Strategic body for R&E networking & single vision ›NRENs need diversified and sustainable models ›Strategic business planning and understanding of their user-base ›TERENA to develop a European user-requirements compendium ›NRENs should partner with commercial providers not compete. Slide 8

Our Greatest Assets ›The community ›Our People ›Dedicated and Talented ›Network service ›Multi-domain, cross-border ›Cutting Edge ›Our users are also the customers of the big aggregators ›Lets use our power for the users benefit Slide 9

Technologies ›Authorization and Authentication AAI ›vital to scalable access control ›ease of use ›Integration of Wi-Fi &cellular data networks ›connection of ubiquitous mobile devices ›Simple, easy, reliable, secure way. ›These services must reach the whole of the research and education community not just those close to the NREN.

Authorisation & Authentication ›AAI is a growing success story in “Club NREN” ›AAI is critical ›Do not serve R&E community generally ›eduroam® ›needs to be more pervasive ›More hot-spots in more diverse places ›Better user awareness ›Cover the whole R&E community ›eduGAIN Slide 11

NRENs ›NRENs cooperate and partner with: ›Commercial providers (on the supply-side) ›Users (on the demand-side) ›Undertake a business-to-business broker role. ›Adopt sustainable business models ›embrace the availability of commodity: ›Connectivity, Storage, online services ›Diversification ›Products & Services (one size does not fit all) ›New User Communities: PSN and CEF

Final ASPIRE Report ›Will be published electronically and printed paper format ›Summaries of ›4 topic reports ›2 workshop reports ›7 related activities ›Conclusions and Recommendations

ASPIRE Recommendation Highlights ›Capitalising on the great success of GÉANT and the NRENs ›Collaborating and partnering with the commercial players to jointly deliver a the services required ›Expanding the use of dark-fibre networks to support the flexibility and agility needed to support all users ›Leading the way on identity federation policy and system ›Preparing for integrated mass mobile connectivity ›Expanding the community to include other publicly funded users ›Leverage the knowledge within R&E networking for the greater good ›Implement the recommendations of the Reykjavik Group ›Following the recommendations of the four ASPIRE topic reports