AMINO ACID PROFILE High levels of amino acids Balance well with cereal grains
AMINO ACID Digestibility Lysine typically estimated at 85% digestible Similar high digestibility levels for other amino acids, like threonine
NUTRITIONAL VALUE PROPOSITION Extensively used in livestock feeds Delivers nutrients critical to: Animal health Performance Cost Competitive
AVAILABILITY 60 domestic soybean processing plants Consistent product Geographic and weather diversity
RELIABILITY Consistency Everyday known product quality Easily formulated
HEDGEABILITY Traded in large volumes Known and relatively predictable price relationships Can reduce risk of ingredient exposure
QUALITY/ CLAIMS PROCESS Trade rules ensure protein, fiber and moisture values Reductions in quality are offset financially
TRANSPORTATION DIVERSITY Multiple delivery means Consistent and timely Reduced overbuying Less lead-time Less freight expense Truck, rail or barge
TRANSPORTATION DIVERSITY Multiple rail lines Various size cars Can increase usable storage space
GRIND Ground by processor Used without additional expense Facilitates blending and bulk bin utilization Minimizes dust and fines Specific grind characteristics possible
MOISTURE Consistent moisture Increased or decreased moisture possible
FLOWABILITY Eases feed manufacturing Enables delivery of a more consistent feed Lowers feed production costs
PLANT QUALITY Adjustments Many soybean meal traits can be adjusted: Moisture and grind Protein and fiber Flow coating agents Toasting Color Digestibility Palatability
SUSTAINABILITY Proven track record Improved sustainability: Reduced weed control Less fuel More no-till Improved land rotation and yield
MARKET DRIVEN Relatively low- or no-subsidy crop World supply and demand are the primary determinants of the final value
“ALL VEGETABLE” Considerations All-vegetable product "All Natural" and "Vegetable Diet" labels are increasing Many consumers are willing to pay more for these products.
Soybean checkoff support of animal agriculture: Enhance soybeans Improve soybean meal Emphasize the economic importance of animal agriculture Increase meat and poultry exports Provide reliable, third-party educational information about today’s food system U.S. SOYBEAN Industry Support
U.S. SOYBEAN Industry Support When we "value add" it is good for the entire value chain Farmers Truckers Livestock Producers Processors Seed Technology Companies Consumers
WORKING CONTINUOUSLY To Improve Improve quality of current soybean crop Create environment that rewards better processing Develop and commercialize new trait-enhanced soybeans
THANK YOU For additional information, please contact: Philip Lobo