Brazil Researched via: Student Name: Marquasia Avera & Jasmine Moses Date:
Where is Brazil located? Brazil is located South America. It's the biggest country in this continent. It's in the Atlantic Ocean side of the continent. And it boards all countries in South America, except for Ecuador and Chile.
Flag, Motto, Anthem: "Ordem e Progresso“ The Brazilian Flag Anthem, or Hino a Bandeira Nacional, is an hymn dedicated to the country's flag.
Sports: Volley Tennis Motorsport Rugby Foot volley
Government and Politics: BRAZIL'S POLITICAL EVOLUTION from monarchy to democracy has not been smooth. Following independence in 1822, Brazil, unlike its South American neighbors, adopted constitutional monarchy as its form of government. The new nation retained a slave-based, plantation economy, and political participation remained very limited. After the coronation of Dom Pedro II (emperor, ) in 1840, a two-party system based on the British model--with conservative and liberal parties and frequent cabinet turnovers--evolved. Within this centralized unitary system, the emperor appointed the governors, using his prerogatives under the moderating power granted by the 1824 constitution, and legislative elections were indirect. Brazil enjoyed considerable political stability until the 1880s, when the system proved incapable of accommodating military demands and pressure to emancipate slaves.
Famous people/role model: Edison Arantes do Nascimento Oscar Niemeyer Edir Macedo Paulo Mendes da Rocha
What do you like the most about Brazil? Everything.!