New Words Reform- make changes in something in order to improve it. Education- the process of receiving or giving information at a school or university. Process in learning new skills and ideas. Abolitionist- a person who actively improves soemthing that they believe in. A person who might help support comitee. Mental Illness- a wide range of conditions that affect mood thinking and behavior. Someone who might think the saem as other people the same way.
People Horance Mann- In the 1800s, Horance Mann worked to improve public schools in Massachusetts. He worked to have the state pay for children to go to public schools. Mann started the first school to teach people how to be good teachers. He also helped teachers earn higher pay. Emma Willard- At that time, girls couldn’t get the same education that boys could. Emma Willard helped girls get a better education. She started the first high school for girls. Mary Lyon- Mary Lyon also helped women get a better education. She decided to start a college for women. It was called Mount Holyoke Female Semitary. It opened in Massachusetts in Women studied the same subjects that one studied in other colleges when they were at this college. William Loyd Garrison- William became an abolitionist leader. He published a newspaper about ending slavery.
People continued… Frederick Douglass- He was an African American abolitionist. Douglass had been a slave. He ran away to the North and became free. Douglass gave many speeches, explaining how slavery was wrong. Many people were influenced by what he said and became abolitionists. Dorothea Dix- She was an African American who worked for reform. She visited many jails and made the jails better for prisoners. She discovered that some people in jails were just mentally ill and should be put in hospitals instead. She helped start hospitals to care for people with mental illnesses. Place Seneca Falls- Seneca Falls was a place in New York where many people came to support women's rights. This is where the meeting took place. About 240 men and women came to this meeting.
What was Education Like in the Early 1800s? Education in the early 1800s was very chaotic. Many people didn’t get the same education because of who they were. In the 1800s, it was unfair because many people wanted to learn, but couldn’t because they didn’t have the same rights.
How Did Some Americans Help in Education? Some Americans got upset over the fact that many people couldn’t get an education. Many people improved schools that were public. Some people started high schools and colleges who didn’t have many rights. (women, African Americans) Some started schools for children with special needs.
How Did Other Americans Work for Reform? Other Americans worked for reform by helping people with mental illnesses and starting a hospital to help them. They also became abolitionists to end slavery. The fight for women's rights began in the 1800s. Women set up meetings and talked about how they should be given the same rights as men.