National Food Security Mission, Uttar Pradesh 6 th NFSM Executive Committee Meeting on 15 Dec., 2010 at Krishi Vistar Sadan, IARI, New Delhi Department of Agriculture, Govt. of UP, Lucknow
Financial Statement CropApproved Plan Unspent balance as on 1/04/10 Release (amount in Crores) Total fund available Expenditure (Including % expenditure compared to approved plan) Anticipated expenditure for Kharif / rabi Audited UC position Interest accrued so far (1-4-10) Rice * (49%) Pulses * (23%) Wheat (8%) Total (108.90) In progress (as on ) (Rs. in crores) * Funds released (Rice & Pulses) on & Wheat on
Physical/Financial Progress of NFSM-RICE, Rs. in Lakh Note : Liabilities to a sum of Rs crore lying with the state under Rice 2010.
Rs. in Lakh Note : Liabilities to a sum of Rs crore lying with the state under Pulses Physical/Financial Progress of NFSM-Pulses,
Rs. in Lakh Physical/Financial Progress of NFSM-Wheat,
Physical and financial progress – A3P (Kharif-2010)46%
Physical and financial progress A3P (Rabi )33%
Input Planning for Rabi and implementation status of Rabi plan under NFSM – Rice / Wheat / Pulses Sl. No ComponentsPlanned physical target Supply tie up status (quantity supplied/placement & supply agency) Availability of Inputs Rabi PhysicalFinancial (in lakh) AchTargetAch 1. Rice ( till ) Seed (qtl) NSC, SFCI, UPSDC, Coop & Agriculture INM (ha.) UP Agro & Agriculture IPM (ha.)40000 UP Agro & Agriculture Pulses ( till ) Seed (qtl)14000 NSC, SFCI, UPSDC, Coop & Agriculture INM (ha.) UP Agro & Agriculture IPM (ha.)93700 UP Agro & Agriculture Wheat ( till ) Seed (qtl) NSC, SFCI, UPSDC, Coop & Agriculture INM (ha.) UP Agro & Agriculture
APY to Productivity increase or decrease and reason thereof. District wise APY data of NFSM and Non NFSM districts from to may be submitted along with this. YearCrop Productivity increase or decrease Reason for productivity decline despite NFSM scheme or Productivity increase with any critical inputs from NFSM No of districts +ve over No of districts –ve over %>5%>10%>20% Total districts 0-5%>5%>10%>20% Total districts Rice-NFSM Non-NFSM Rice-NFSM Non-NFSM Rice-NFSM Drought Year Non-NFSM
APY to Productivity increase or decrease and reason thereof. District wise APY data of NFSM and Non NFSM districts from to may be submitted along with this. YearCrop Productivity increase or decrease Reason for productivity decline despite NFSM scheme or Productivity increase with any critical inputs from NFSM No of districts +ve over No of districts –ve over %>5%>10%>20% Total districts 0-5%>5%>10%>20% Total districts Wheat-NFSM Non-NFSM Wheat-NFSM Non-NFSM Wheat-NFSM Non-NFSM
APY to Productivity increase or decrease and reason thereof. District wise APY data of NFSM and Non NFSM districts from to may be submitted along with this. YearCrop Productivity increase or decrease Reason for productivity decline despite NFSM scheme or Productivity increase with any critical inputs from NFSM No of districts +ve over No of districts –ve over %>5%>10%>20% Total districts 0-5%>5%>10%>20% Total districts Pulse- NFSM Non-NFSM Pulse- NFSM Non-NFSM Pulse- NFSM Drought Year Non-NFSM
Progress of A3P during Kharif and Rabi Season No. of Unit allocated No. of Units implemented by the State Unit Cost incurred on each unit (Rs. in Lakh) Reasons for deviation if any Kharif Vegetative growth of Urd crop in Bundel khand region was excessive but no pod formation and IPM Programs in Arhar crop is in progress. Low cost of agricultural inputs Rabi50 Report is being collected -
A3P Unit-wise details Particulars of each A3P Unit Crop wise Amount released Amount Spent Amount Balance ProductionProductivityPerformance of Production/ productivity compared to check Kharif-2010 Arhar (9) (43%) Production & Productivity data is yet to be finalized Urd (18) (47%) Rabi Lentil (28) (33%) Gram (18) (39%) Moong (04) Amount in Lakh Rs.
Performance of minikits supplied during Kharif under NFSM-Rice Crop-Rice/ pulses / wheat No. of minikits allocated No of minikits received Name of the variety & year of release Agency supplied Date of receipt Yield of minikits variety Yield of Check variety Acceptance of farmer/ or decline & reasons for the same Rice 1000 KRH-2NSC Yield data are being Collected from the Districts Widely Accepted by the farmers 1000 PRH-10NSC NDU-3NSC CSR-36NSC Swarna sub-1NSC Total KRH-2SFCI PS-7SFCI Malviya Dhan-1SFCI Pusa Basmati-1121SFCI PS-5SFCI Malviya Dhan-2SFCI Total
Crop-Rice/ pulses / wheat No. of minikits allocated No of minikits received Name of the variety & year of release Agency supplied Date of receipt Yield of minikits variety Yield of Check variety Acceptance of farmer/ or decline & reasons for the same Rice 2338 Imp.Pusa Basmati-1 MSSC Yield data are being Collected from the Districts Widely Accepted by the farmers Sahbhagi Dhan OSSC Sahbhagi Dhan BHU CSR-36 CSSRI LKO 11,13 & KRH-2APSSC Gr. Total Performance of minikits supplied during Kharif under NFSM-Rice
Crop-Rice/ pulses / wheat No. of minikits allocated No of minikits received Name of the variety & year of release Agency supplied Date of receipt Yield of minikits variety Yield of Check variety Acceptance of farmer/ or decline & reasons for the same A3P Kharif Arhar 9250 Malviya Chamatkar/ ICPL NSC/ SFCI July, 10 Yield data are being Collected from the Districts Widely Accepte d by the farmers Urd PantU-40/ Urd. Shetkhar-3 NSC/ SFCI Total Rabi Wheat 3000 PBW-550NSC K-7903NSC DBW-17NSC Total14000 Accelerated Pulse Production Programme minikits supplied during Kharif/ Rabi
Crop-Rice/ pulses / wheat No. of minikits allocated No of minikits received Name of the variety & year of release Agency supplied Date of receipt Yield of minikits variety Yield of Check variety Acceptance of farmer/ or decline & reasons for the same 3600 UP-2526SFCI Yield data are being Collected from the Districts 9500 K-0370SFCI HD-2733SFCI K-7903SFCI PBW-557SFCI Total88477 A3P Gram 9000 RSG-963SFCI 8000 RSG-888SFCI 10000HC-3SFCI Total Accelerated Pulse Production Programme minikits supplied during Kharif/ Rabi
Crop- Rice/ pulses / wheat No. of minikits allocated No of minikits received Name of the variety & year of release Agency supplied Date of receipt Yield of minikits variety Yield of Check variety Acceptance of farmer/ or decline & reasons for the same Lentil5000 PL-5NSC Yield data are being Collected from the Districts 5000 PL-5SFCI JL-3SFCI 1000 HUL-57SFCI Total Accelerated Pulse Production Programme minikits supplied during Kharif/ Rabi
NFSM-PMT Status in the State/Districts No. of consultants sanctioned5 No. of consultants engaged No. of technical assistants sanctioned at district level No. of technical assistants engaged at district level If not, Reasons for not engaging the PMT State level District level State level District level Regular NFSM A3PRegular NFSM A3P Kharif-27 Rabi Kharif-22 Rabi - 17 Filling of Vacant Post (Consultant & STA/TA) is under process & will be completed very shortly
Monitoring status by State / district level monitoring committees Monitoring committee No of visits by each committee in year Outcomes of the visits Follow up action State level 1.Pr. Sec.(Ag)/Spe.Sec/Jt Sec (Ag) 2.Officers of GOI (DSD/DWD etc.) 3.PMT (NFSM Cell) 4.SAMETI 5.ADAs/ JDAs/ DDs (More than 80 percent districts have been visited by the different Officers) Suggestions / Observation given by the teams. Regular monthly review meeting at different level is taken up. Appropriate action taken District level 1.PMT (NFSM Cell) 2.JDAs (Rigorous monitoring is being taken at district level) Suggestions / Observation given by the teams. Appropriate action taken
Position of Submission of Success Stories Component on Which Success story submitted Number of success stories submitted Whether copy sent to national mission director Rice15Yes Pulses14Yes Wheat17Yes
cropEntry status of state report Total No of districts No of districts for which on line data submitted during Reasons for not submitting the data Selection of Computer Operator in each districts under ATMA scheme is in progress. Placement of staff will be ensured shortly then online submission of reports will be ensured. Status of online submission of QPR at state/ district levels
Constraints and Achievements in implementing with suggestions Constraints - Delayed availability of funds. Low honorarium to technical contractual incumbents (Consultant & TAs) post under NFSM as compared to State Extension Reforms & RKVY etc. Multi Crop Planter & Power-weeder / cono-weeder are not popular amongst the farmers & efforts are on. Suggestions - Honorarium to technical Consultant & TAs should be at par with others schemes of GOI. Provision for reward of best performing farmers. We are naming Achiever farmer as NFSM-Farmer to popularize the scheme. Targets under the new implements like Multi Crop Planter & Power- weeder/cono-weeder etc. should be kept on lower side & it will be increase gradually.
Requirement of the Funds for Local Initiatives during Projects Approved by SFSMEC on 1 st Dec.2010 Amount required in lakh ` Provision made by GOI in lakh ` Additional requirement of the Funds in lakh ` Rice Component (08 Projects) Pulses Component (13 Projects) (-) 8.99 Wheat Component (08 Projects) Total (29 Projects) Note : The amount may kindly be released immediately.
Special Initiative Scheme for intercropping of Black Gram with spring sugarcane under NFSM Local Initiative of Pulses is proposed, in which the provision for ` 200 per ha. as incentive to the functionaries. The GOI may please accord the permission.