WHAT THE HAZARD IS The hazard of rainforest deforestation is that they clear the surrounding land for agriculture and livestock. Meanwhile, the forest resource, whether it be oil, timber, or minerals, is rapidly taken with little consideration for the long-term consequences. Once they take all the materials and there isn’t anything left, developers move on to new areas, leaving behind a degraded environment.
THE CAUSES Immediate Causes: Logging Agriculture-Shifted Cultivators Agricultures-Cash Crops & Cattle Ranching Fuel wood Large Dams Mining and Industry Colonization Schemes Tourism Underlying Causes: Development and Overconsumption: the Basis Cause Colonialism Exploitation by Industrialized Countries The Debt Burden The Role of Poverty and Overpopulation
WHAT THE EFFECTS HAVE BEEN/OR COULD BE Forests are complex ecosystems that are important to the carbon and water cycles that sustain life on earth. When they are degraded, it can set off a devastating chain of events both locally and around the world. When deforestation happens we loose species, carbon emissions are put off the water cycle is effected, soil erosion happens. When all this happens the quality of life is also effected. For animals we destroy their homes and so forth. Many of the world’s most threatened and endangered animals live in forests, and 1.6 billion people rely on benefits forests offer, including food, fresh water, clothing, traditional medicine and shelter.
HOW LARGE AN AREA HAS BEEN OR COULD BE EFFECTED Highest Deforestation Countries in World Deforest RankCountry NameForest area Cut (In Hectares) 1Brazil Indonesia Russian federation Mexico Papua New Guinea Peru United States of America Bolivia Sudan Nigeria82000
WHAT STEPS ARE BEING TAKEN TO PREVENT IT/ LIMIT IT Teach others about the importance of the environment and how they can help save rainforests. Restore damaged ecosystems by planting trees on land where forests have been cut down. Encourage people to live in a way that doesn't hurt the environment. Establish parks to protect rainforests and wildlife. Support companies that operate in ways that minimize damage to the environment WWF is a group that has been taking action in to helping Rainforest deforestation for more than 50 years.
SITES highest-deforestation-map.html