Welcome Open House 2015
About Me Bachelor of Science Degree in English with a minor in Mathematics from Sam Houston State University Master's of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with a minor in English and Mathematics. This is my 4th year at Montgomery High School and my 12th year teaching.
How to contact me Access to voice mail box: (936) ext 1770 (preferred) Conference Period: 4th Period (9:55-10:40) Please contact prior to stopping by during my conference period, so that I can make sure that I am available when you arrive. Tutorials: Monday-Wednesday 2:35-3:30 Friday 2:35-3:00
About 1301/1302 This is a college class Parent contact is minimal Grades do not appear on the MHS gradebook. Students can ask at anytime what their grade is. Portable electronic devices are encouraged. Must have access to computer and internet at home. If not available at home, please use either the county library behind MES or the LSCS library in Conroe or the Montgomery campus on 242. No late work is accepted. Please read the syllabus for the grading policy. (Due dates & transfer grades) Textbook & Notes Lunsford, Andrea, Ruszkiewicz, John J, and Walters, Keith. Everythings’s an Argument with Readings. 6th edition. (ISBN: ) Lewis, Norman. Word Power Made Easy: The Complete Handbook for Building a Superior Vocabulary. (ISBN ) Suggested textbook: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7 th edition. (ISBN ) For second semester, students will need a new textbook. Schilb, John and Clifford, John. Arguing About Literature: A Guide and Reader. (ISBN ).
About 2311/2307 This is a college class Parent contact is minimal Grades do not appear on the MHS gradebook. Students can ask at anytime what their grade is. Portable electronic devices are encouraged. Must have access to computer and internet at home. If not available at home, please use either the county library behind MES or the LSCS library in Conroe or the Montgomery campus on 242. No late work is accepted. Please read the syllabus for the grading policy. (Due dates & transfer grades) Textbook & Notes Markel, Mick. Technical Communication. 10th Edition. (ISBN ) Lewis, Norman. Word Power Made Easy: The Complete Handbook for Building a Superior Vocabulary. (ISBN ) Suggested textbook: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7 th edition. (ISBN ) NO textbook for 2307 during 2 nd semester.
Turnitin.com & Academic Integrity policies All students will use the Turnitin software. On the day an assignment is due, students will upload it to Turnitin. No paper copies will be accepted. Students will receive comments on graded papers through TurnItIn as well. Any assignments that receive more than 25% on the originality report will receive a zero on their essay. Using previous essays from other classes is cheating & plagiarism The consequences for academic dishonesty include but are not limited to Receiving a grade of zero or "F" for an exam or assignment, Receiving disciplinary action from Montgomery High School administration, including being removed from NHS. Receiving a grade of "F" for the course, Being withdrawn from the course or program, Being expelled from the college system.
Website Syllabus vs. Calendar Students were given a semester syllabus at the beginning of the year. Syllabus is available on my website. Syllabus is subject to change. If it changes, students will be given an amended syllabus.