Social Connected Characteristics of the 21 st Century College Student Multi-tasking and Self-directed By: Kim Rayl Sam Houston State University Photo courtesy of Beyond the Classroom: Connecting with The 21 st Century College Student
What Do Students want? Access to Available Technology Knowledgeable Staff Never Fear That the Internet is Here Teaching and Learning Beyond the Textbook Photo courtesy of
Why Do Online Resources Attract Students? Stress-free Environment No Embarrassment Factor Flexible Schedule Available 24/7 Image courtesy of Africa and stockimages
Why Do Online Resources Attract Students? Tactile and Kinesthetic Learning Style Visual Auditory Image courtesy of stockimages and imagemajestic freedigitalphotos.netImage courtesy of stockimages and
Why Do Online Resources Attract Students? Variety of Perspectives and Resource Types If a Resource Doesn’t Work, Find a new one Purdue Online Writing Center The Bedford Handbook 8th Edition Grammar Girl Grammar Bytes - Chomp! Chomp! FreeRice.Org
Create Intentional Learners! Charles Darling Guide to Grammar and Writing Many students enter college without the necessary skills to perform well in college classes. Photo courtesy of graur razvan
Web-based Resources Grammarize Website