Condensation polymers
Monomer x + Monomer y Polymer + small molecule (normally water). Distinguish between addition and condensation polymers in terms of their structures An addition polymer is formed when double bonds are broken in the individual molecules and these rebond to another molecule so that long chains are formed. eg polythene A condensation polymer is formed when molecules are joined together with the elimination of some other compound (usually water). examples are nylon and polyester Monomer x + Monomer y Polymer + small molecule (normally water). n
Describe how condensation polymers are formed from their monomers *A monomer is the small molecule that makes up the polymer Two monomers are joined by condensation polymerisation in a reaction involving the loss of a molecule, usually water
Describe and explain how the properties of polymers depend on their structural features Kevlar— an extremely strong material that derives its strength from its weave. It is woven like tiny spider webs it is the premium choice for bulletproof vests It’s has very good resistance to high temperatures, and maintains its strength and resilience down to -196°C
phenol-methanol plastics Describe and explain how the properties of polymers depend on their structural features phenol-methanol plastics -benzene rings bonds in more than one position to form a 3-D cross-linked structure High melting point (thermoset plastic) thermoset plastic: these polymers, once formed, cannot be reshaped by heating
Describe ways of modifying the properties of polymers Air in the manufacture of polyurethane foams Doping polymer such as polyethyne I2 to increase conductivity Blending of polyester fibers to make them dyeable and more comfortable
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the polymers use durable, easy to handle, lightweight Attractive can be rigid and tough withstand heat Disadvantages -hard to recycle, -Hard to Decomposition
in the Building and Construction Industry items such as pipes, valves, decorative elements and heavy-duty uses the Use of Electronics use plastic electrical connectors, switches, and receptacles. Packaging the product needs to be well protected