Meet George Jetson
How Do You Think of The Future?
In Time The Future... Becomes the Present Becomes the Past Remains the Future
Daniel 7 The Future On A Grand Scale Some of that future is past Some of that future is now present Some of that future is the ‘forgotten future’
I. Context of Daniel 7
II. Daniel’s Dream 1-14 Four Beasts 1-7 Fourth Beast 7 Little Horn 8 Ancient of Days and Judgment 9-12 Coming of Son of Man and Kingdom 13,14 Have you ever had a dream that troubled you?
III. Daniel’s Response 15, 16
IV. The Dream Interpreted Concise interpretation 17, 18 Daniel’s desire for detailed information Detailed interpretation – the forgotten future Concerns future nations, like Daniel 2 History following Daniel helps fill in the concise interpretation...
Lion 4 Bear 5 Leopard 6 Unnamed 7 Ten 7 Little 8 Ancient 9-12 Son Horns Horn of Days of Man Babylon Persia Greece Rome Time NOT To Scale Daniel’s Death Filling In The Concise Interpretation
Lion 4 Bear 5 Leopard 6 Unnamed 7 Ten 7 Little 8 Ancient 9-12 Son Horns Horn of Days of Man Babylon Persia Greece Rome Time NOT To Scale Daniel’s Death Detailed Interpretation Of The Forgotten Future a24b
Daniel’s Reaction 28
Lessons For Us 1.Daniel 7 serves as the best single outline of future events. 2.The near future may have its ‘better’ moments. The far future is the best. 3.Remember the forgotten future. It includes... 4.We are living during the time of the fourth beast. The forgotten future is on the horizon. 5.Why is what happens in the future important to you? 6.The church is a ‘mystery’ not revealed in Daniel 7.