Syllabus Disaster Definition: Distinguish between a disaster. Explain why this distinction is not always completely objective Measuring Disasters: Describe the methods used to quantify the spatial extent and intensity of disasters Explain the causes and impacts of any one disaster resulting from a natural hazard Explain the causes and impacts of any one recent human induced hazard event or disaster Examine the ways in which the intensity and impacts of disasters vary in space and time
IB Definitions Disaster: A major hazard event that causes widespread disruption to a community or region that the affected community is unable to deal with adequately without outside help. (requires international aid and NGO’s) Hazard: A threat (whether natural or human) that has the potential to cause loss of life, injury, property damage, socio-economic disruption or environmental degradation. Hazard event: The occurrence (realisation) of a hazard, the effects of which change demographic, economic and/or environmental conditions. Remember a natural hazard is only a hazard if it is a threat to humans or there property, so if no humans are endangered and no property is damaged it is just a natural process or event e.g. an avalanche on an Antarctic mountain where no one lives. UN Definition "A disaster is a sudden, calamitous event that causes serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society causing widespread human, material, economic and/or environmental issues which exceed the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own level of resources". For a disaster to be entered into the database of the UN's ISDR (International Strategy for Disaster Reduction), at least one of the following criteria must be met: A report of 10 or more people killed A report of 100 people affected A declaration of a state of emergency by the relevant government A request by the national government for international assistance Which definition of Disaster is clearer? IB or UN? Why? Which definition of disaster is more subjective? Which definition diminishes the importance of the loss of one life to family and friends?
Stages in a Disaster 1. Pre Conditions2. The Disaster3. Recovery and reconstruction Phase 1: Every day life ( years, decades, centuries) Life style – risks, routine safety measures, social construction of vulnerability (economic and social), planned developments and emergency preparedness Phase 2: Premonitory developments (weeks, months, years) “Incubation Period” – erosion of safety measures, heightened vulnerability, signs and problems misread or ignored Phase 3: Trigger event of threshold ( seconds, hours, days) Beginning of crisis. “threat” period: impending arrival of hazard; danger seen, may allow warnings, evacuation and other pre-impact measures Phase 4: Impact and collapse (instant, seconds, days, months) The disaster proper, death, injury, devastation. Impaired or destroyed security arrangements Phase 5: Secondary and tertiary damages (days, weeks) Phase 6: Outside emergency aid (days, weeks, months) Rescue, relief, evacuation, shelter provision, clearing dangerous wreckage, “organised response” national and international humanitarian aid Outside emergency aid (weeks, months) Phase 7: Clean up and “emergency communities” (weeks and years) Relief camps, emergency housing. Residents and outsiders clear wreckage, salvage items. Blame and reconstruction debates begin. Disaster reports, evaluations, commissions of inquiry Phase 8: Reconstruction and restoration (months, years) Reintegration of damaged community with larger society. Re-establishment of “everyday life”, possibly similar to, possibly different to pre disaster. Continuing private and recurring communal grief. Disaster related development and hazard –reducing measures Temporal Sequences or Phases that maybe involved in disasters – phases can merge Case Studies of disasters that can be used in your exams?
Measuring Disasters: Describe the methods used to quantify the spatial extent and intensity of disasters
Also consider – internet/satellite communication – social network & Ushahidi m m
Explain the causes and impacts of any one disaster resulting from a natural hazard Explain the causes and impacts of any one recent human induced hazard event or disaster
Examine the ways in which the intensity and impacts of disasters vary in space and time