Ten Alternative Schools Correctional Education Correctional Education Home School Hospital School Inclusion LYFE One to One Pull Outs GED Plus & ACEESS GED GED Plus & ACEESS GED Charter Schools Long-Term Suspension Centers
LYFE The Living for the Young Family through Education (LYFE) program supports pregnant & parenting students enrolled in a NYC school by providing childcare & referral services. Through LYFE young parents are able to continue their academic progress.
Correctional Education Schools for students who are court involved, incarcerated, or recently released. Students are place in different academies based on their age.
Home School Homeschooling or home school (also called home education or home learning) is the education of children at home, typically by parents but sometimes by tutors, rather than in a formal setting of public or private school.
Pull Out Programs Pull-out programs include a wide range of familiar settings, from self-contained classrooms for those with behavioral disorders to resource rooms for those with learning disorders. Most of these arrangements are created through the mutual efforts of teachers and reformers who believed and who still believe that children often need specialized services that cannot be delivered in the regular classroom.
Inclusion Inclusion involves keeping special education students in regular education classrooms and bringing support services to the child, rather than bringing the child to the support services. In an inclusionary setting, special education teachers work with regular education teachers in regular classrooms.
Hospital School A hospital school is a school operated in a hospital, generally in a children's hospital which provides instruction to all primary and secondary grade levels. These schools help children regain academic progress during periods of hospitalization or rehabilitation.
Charter Schools Charter schools are elementary or secondary schools that receive public money but have been freed from some of the rules, regulations, and statutes that apply to other public schools in exchange for some type of accountability for producing certain results, which are set forth in each school's charter. While charter schools provide an alternative to other public schools, they are part of the public education system and are not allowed to charge tuition. They do receive funding from the state and city.
One to One Teacher teaches directly to the student. One to one is reflected in how the teacher present themselves to the students, convey information, interact with learners, manage tasks, oversee work in process, and socialize learners in the classroom.
GED Plus & Access GED GED Plus is a NYC program that provides full and part time GED services as well as support in transitioning to a college or career at no cost to students in NYC who are ages Access GED offers full time GED preparation with work internship called Learning to Work which helps students stay engaged or re- engaged in school through work readiness.
Long-Term Suspension Centers Credit bearing program for middle and high school students who have been suspended from their home school for 12 months for have committed a level 5 disciplinary offense Students receive credit for academic work aligned to the requirements for their grade.
Diana Fajardo EDUC 674 Prof. Klein