Web Databases Vast information provider. Offers information about jobs, photos, movies, weather, sporting events, etc. Shop for any product/service, buy/sell stocks, job searching, airline reservasions, school related tasks. Some Web databases are collaborative databases. (store and share multimedia with other users) Accessible through the Web.
Accountability for Database Security Breaches Most of the time the institution or company whose security was breached is accountable. Many institutions voluntarily notify individuals whose information was breached, and some even compensate victims; for example, some provide credit monitoring for free.
Accesiblity on a Web Database To access data in a Web database, you fill in a form or enter search text on a Web page. Database server - a computer that stores and provides access to a database. Users are also the ones providing information.
Database Administration Managing a company’s database requires a great deal of coordination. The role of coordinating the use of the database belongs to the database analysts and administrators. To carry out their responsibilities, these IT (information technology) professionals follow database design guidelines and need cooperation from all database users.
Database Guidelines A carefully designed database makes it easier for a user to query the database, modify the data, and create reports: 1.Determine the purpose of the database. 2. Design the tables or files. - Design tables or files on paper first. - Each table or file should contain data about one subject. The Student table, for example, contains data about students.
3. Design the records and fields for each table or file. - Be sure every record has a unique primary key. - Use separate fields for logically distinct items. For example, a name could be stored in six fields: Title (Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.), First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix (Jr., Sr., etc.), and Nickname. - Do not create fields for information that can be derived from entries in other fields. For example, do not include a field for Age. Instead, store the birth date and compute the age. - Allow enough space for each field. - Set default values for frequently entered data. 4. Determine the relationships among the tables or files.
Role of the Database Analysts and Administrators Analysts and administrators - responsible for managing and coordinating all database activities. Database analyst (DA) - decides on the proper placement of fields, defines the relationships among data, and identifies users’ access privileges. Database administrator (DBA) - requires a more technical inside view of the data. Creates and maintains the data dictionary, manages security of the database, monitors the performance of the database, and checks backup and recovery procedures. In small companies, one person often is both the DA and DBA. In larger companies, the responsibilities of the DA and DBA are split among two or more people.
Role of the Employee as a User Employees should learn how to use the data in the database effectively. Instant access to information helps employees perform their jobs more effectively. Today, employees access databases from their office desktop computers notebook computers, or even smart phones and other mobile devices. The maintenance of a database is an ongoing task that organizations measure constantly against their overall goals.