Troubles at Home and Abroad
I. Aaron Burr (Jefferson’s 1 st Vice President) 1. Sketchy Politician a. Dropped by Jefferson b. Conflict with Alexander Hamilton -The Duel -Aaron murdered Alexander c. Burr’s “plot” -Succession of the new west? -Emperor of Mexico? -Tried for Treason -Exiled to Europe
II. Problems Overseas A. War with Tripoli 1. Barbary States of North Africa a. Acts of Piracy -theft of goods at sea -crimes against U.S. merchants b. Jefferson sent warships -Stephen Decatur -defeated Barbary States Symbolism: -President is Commander-in-Chief of U.S. Armed Forces Like many other nations, the United States paid bribes to the pirates of the Barbary States for safe shipping passage in the Mediterranean Sea. In 1815, 11 years after destroying the Philadelphia, Captain Stephen Decatur sailed back into the Mediterranean Sea with a fleet of 10 ships and brought an end to the problems with the Barbary States.
II. Problems Overseas continued… B. Renewal of War in Europe 1. U.S. caught between war a. France v. Britain C. Impressment 1. British abuse of U.S. merchants D. Chesapeake Affair 1. British Navy “bullies” U.S. Navy 2. Jefferson’s Embargo a. No trade W/ warring nations -economic depression in U.S. -America Angry W/ Jefferson -Jefferson steps down after 2 nd term
II. Problems Overseas continued… D. James Madison Takes Charge 1. Lift Embargo for 1 year -Britain refused -France agreed but… -didn’t honor it E. “The Indian Question” 1. Britain united with Natives -Tecumseh -”Native American Unity” -against U.S. -William Henry Harrison -Governor of Indiana -defeated “Prophet” at Tippecanoe Creek
II. Problems Overseas continued… A. War Hawks 1. Anti-British in Congress a. Henry Clay b. John C. Calhoun 2. Take Territory a. British Canada -fur trade b. Florida -Spain = ally of Britain c. Promote Nationalism Questions: 1. What were the problems America faced at home? 2. What were some problems that led the U.S. and Britain to war again?