Ch. 8 Sec. 1 Age of Ideologies
Congress of Vienna After Waterloo, meeting of diplomats and heads of state of Europe Restore stability and order by establishing balance of power and protecting the system of monarchy Clemens von Metternich (Austria) was the dominant figure Return to the way things were suppress revolutionary ideas
Other results of the Congress of Vienna Quadruple Alliance Austria, Russia, Prussia and Great Britain Pledged to act together to maintain balance of power and supress revolutionary uprisings Concert of Europe The powers of Europe met periodically to discuss any problems affecting peace in Europe
Conflict of Ideologies Each individual region of Europe had their own system of beliefs of political progress No major conflicts on the scale of France under Napoleon, but plenty of turmoil based on opposing ideologies Conservatives Return to order supported by highest classes and peasants
Ideologies Liberals (supported by the middle class) Governments based on written constitutions Defended natural rights Eventually supported universal manhood suffrage Nationalists The desire of people with a common ancestry/heritage to win their own state Austrian, Russian, and Ottomon empires were good examples
Rebellions in the Balkans Serbs in early 1800s, unsuccessful and with Russian support a second rebellion led to self-rule in 1830 Greece won independence from the Ottoman empire in 1820s Years of violent struggle helped shape a national identity
1820s also brought revolts for constitutional governments in Spain, Portugal, and Italian city-states. Neighboring nations sent troops over the Pyrenees and Alps to help smash these outbreaks Didn’t dampen long-term nationalist and liberal causes